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Big Hitting Acquires Girlfriend's Rootage Music

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Article: 'BTS' Big Hit acquires Girlfriend's means Source Music "will keep their independence"

Source: Sports Today via Nate

1. [+151, -7] BTS together with Girlfriend ㅋㅋㅋ the means of perfect choreography

2. [+115, -3] Bang Shi Hyuk has e'er been unopen amongst Source together with hence this is something that's been inward the talks for a while. I wonder who the tertiary means is ㅋㅋ

3. [+92, -6] What people are misunderstanding is that Source Music is becoming a Big Hit owned label, it's non becoming Big Hit. It's similar how companies similar CJ or SM accept several other labels nether them... Don't worry close them using the same flooring or anything ㅋㅋ

4. [+19, -0] Their CEOs accept e'er been close. Anyway, the acquisition is done together with hence I wishing them the best.

5. [+12, -0] I mean value they're going to portion resources but focus on what each is best at, similar Big Hit amongst manly mortal groups together with Source amongst woman mortal groups.

6. [+7, -0] Both companies are known for starting from the bottom upwards amongst ane group... wishing them a win win for all

7. [+7, -0] Don't BTS together with Girlfriend purpose the same choreographer? ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+7, -0] I promise they remain truthful to their give-and-take together with permit Source their independence, a win win for everyone!

9. [+7, -7] Not certain I've felt happy over a slice of Big Hit word inward a while...

10. [+6, -21] Don't you lot dare purpose the same building


Source: Naver

1. [+614, -65] Wow, Big Hit, can't you lot simply stick to what you've been doing

2. [+196, -6] Everyone, nosotros bespeak to await for the official statement. I reject to believe anything else. This isn't the start fourth dimension the media has falsely reported on things.

3. [+117, -5] I'm simply going to await until official word is out

4. [+49, -8] This doesn't experience similar something fans larn to accept an reckon on

5. [+67, -31] Bang Shi Hyuk together with Source Music's CEO accept e'er been actually close. It's fine that they're joining forces. I'm a Girlfriend fan together with don't tending for this acquisition, simply promise that they don't perish an obstruction to each other together with synergize well. Both teams are doing bully together with hence there's no bespeak to comment on that...

6. [+50, -16] Big Hit has simply been doing everything to larn on my nerves lately

7. [+45, -12] Bought out of the coin that BTS made

8. [+32, -5] Source improve focus on Girlfriend together with heed their ain business. I don't know why Big Hit would produce this when they're doing fine every bit it is, I incertitude Source would last of whatever assist to them.

9. [+33, -8] What a joke, Big Hit can't fifty-fifty grip BTS correct now

10. [+22, -1] There accept been rumors close this for years now, close Big Hit merging amongst Source together with to a greater extent than or less other means ㅋ


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