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Exo Fans Protestation Harder Alongside The Lies Surrounding Chen's Immature Lady Exposed

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Article: Protests rage harder with Chen's lies beingness exposed... tin flaming he buy the farm on to concur on inwards EXO?

Source: Sports Kyunghyang via Nate

1. [+2,432, -113] The fans desire him out in addition to he's standing inwards the agency of the members in addition to thus I don't empathize why SM is insisting on keeping him! Why would whatever fan desire to pass coin on a lying married-dol;;

2. [+2,228, -71] How was he fifty-fifty able to prevarication nearly that? Wouldn't the tummy live showing at seven months??

3. [+346, -11] He won't last. Fans non alone don't desire to pass coin on him but don't desire to run into him at all. He should simply piece of work out earlier things larn to a greater extent than miserable for him.

4. [+194, -13] MBLAQ's GO in addition to U-KISS' Dongho left when they got married, didn't they? EXO is a piece of work yesteryear degree idol grouping correct now, they're going to lose a lot of fans if they don't handgrip this right.

5. [+188, -8] It's May already, convey yous non left yet, Jongdae-ya?

6. [+173, -4] You've made plenty money, delight simply focus on your identify unit of measurement now... Since EXO's a group, it's non similar nosotros tin flaming simply conduct non to run into you. Why must fans buy the farm on to experience wound spell seeing yous amongst the members? A kid was born, she isn't going to disappear. The bargain is done in addition to thus simply build clean upward in addition to go. This is getting in addition to thus muddied for you.

7. [+145, -5] If yous planned non alone a marriage ceremony but a nascency too, shouldn't yous convey at to the lowest degree idea to surrender on EXO?

8. [+110, -6] I honestly don't attention but I intend it'd live ameliorate for him to leave. He'll live fine on his own. Look at how messy Kang Ta is but he's doing simply fine. Yoochun, with all his scandals, is notwithstanding receiving back upward too.

9. [+96, -2] The reactions would've been dissimilar if he had been honest from the start, no? He was hiding the pregnancy upward until seven months... all the spell having a comeback, doing concerts, releasing solos, making money, buying a house... Fans must experience in addition to thus foolish. If alone Chen had been honest when they commencement started dating, or when union was inwards the talks...

10. [+89, -3] Just piece of work out already, he's in addition to thus messy tsk tsk

11. [+83, -1] He hid his pregnancy in addition to marriage ceremony preps nether everyone's noses spell attention concerts in addition to putting out solos because he was blinded yesteryear greed. Can yous imagine how the members must've felt, burning on the within inwards representative they got caught? Chen was at these concerts telling his fans "I alone convey you", "I honey yous all"... I bet the members felt similar they were forced to prevarication correct amongst him. All fans are bespeak is that he leaves in addition to goes solo. EXO already has vocals similar DO in addition to Baekhyun. Chen, perchance because he's vocally trained from an academy, has the most imitation sounding singing style, in addition to no charm to his high notes anyway. Yes, nosotros know that the members volition all eventually convey to larn married in addition to convey children. The occupation is that Chen did it all nether the incorrect category.

12. [+60, -1] Why prevarication nearly something that'll live exposed;;;;;;;; forthwith you're alone getting loathe over something yous should live receiving blessings for;;;;;;


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