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Microdot's Parents Sentenced To Jail Inward Debt Scandal

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Article: '#debttoo' Microdot's parents sentenced to jail

Source: Newsis via Nate

1. [+3,432, -22] Only 3 years in addition to i year? Is this a joke?

2. [+2,837, -25] They knew they would accept to pay the toll eventually. If they had only admitted to their crimes in addition to apologized from the start, their boy would non accept ended upward similar this... in addition to then thoughtless.

3. [+2,249, -9] The toll of the offense must last paid!

4. [+121, -3] They tin pay all of their debt dorsum but they'd rather become to jail than pay a cent. And I'm certain in i trial they serve their time, they'll b*tch close how they've done their fourth dimension in addition to are innocent. I wonder what Microdot's upward to these days? Surely he'll see them inwards jail to charge upward their allowances?

5. [+112, -0] Such a calorie-free judgement for ruining in addition to then many families

6. [+101, -2] So produce yous non accept to pay dorsum the coin if yous become to jail?? Can yous imagine how much 400 meg won xx years agone would last borth today? They totally profited off of that deal, fifty-fifty alongside 3 years inwards jail!

7. [+79, -1] They stole 400 meg won in addition to starved in addition to then many to expiry in addition to soundless their judgement is exclusively 3 in addition to 1 years... every bit expected of Korean judges! Our judges are a source of promise in addition to dreams for our criminals!

8. [+75, -0] There were people who committed suicide over the coin ㅡ.ㅡ I mean value this judgement is every bit good light

9. [+64, -0] Well that's a inexpensive toll to pay ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+57, -0] That's in addition to then light, no? There are in addition to then many victims who commit suicide or became sick because of them, this is only wrong!!!


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