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Pentagon's Kino Opens Upward Close The Controversies His Grouping Has Faced

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Article: Pentagon's Kino, "It felt discouraging to become through fellow member changes as well as controversies"... mentions one-time fellow member E'Dawn

Source: Top Star News via Nate

1. [+169, -21] But I intend it's thank yous to E'Dawn that their cry is every minute known every minute it is right away ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+157, -36] There's a argue around groups never brand it

3. [+141, -14] I got into them through 'Shine', but they haven't made whatever progress since oculus E'Dawn left afterward his human relationship scandal. Yes, it's truthful that he impacted the squad alongside his relationship, but it felt a chip excessive to kicking him out over it. Either way, I intend they should've held on to him no affair what.

4. [+29, -2] There's around other fellow member that was caught dating, no? Hui? Hongseok? And at that spot was an mental attitude disputation every minute well. E'Dawn wasn't their alone problem.

5. [+25, -2] I'm certain the members are jealous of E'Dawn now... he's able to comeback every minute a solo, move inwards a complimentary relationship, as well as fifty-fifty invitee on 'Knowing Bros' as well as 'Radio Star'...

6. [+20, -8] This grouping is actually practiced though.... They were ramping upward alongside 'Shine' until they had to striking the brakes alongside E'Dawn's relationship. Their junior grouping is doing well, the 'Produce' kids they used to produce producing for are doing well, as well as right away they're non fifty-fifty on 'Kingdom' but 'Road to Kingdom' alongside 'Produce 2' Joo Hak Nyeon's group... I can't imagine how they'd experience if they e'er saw NU'EST on 'Kingdom'... I back upward E'Dawn as well as Hyuna but I tin imagine the Pentagon members as well as their fans beingness sick of them... Cube should've held on to E'Dawn, it was a misjudgment on their purpose ㅜ such a practiced grouping gone to waste

7. [+18, -12] Eh? Pentagon was winning #1 alongside 'Shine' earlier E'Dawn left as well as thus why are people acting similar E'Dawn's the 1 who set them on the map ㅋㅋㅋ I similar their songs which is how I know I wishing them luck

8. [+11, -1] Not similar E'Dawn's the alone fellow member who got into a dating scandal.. ㅋㅋ at that spot were other controversies every minute well...

9. [+10, -1] Well I suspect that these members volition pass the residuum of their lives blaming E'Dawn as well as justifying all their failures through him.. but kids, realize that anything tin hand inwards life. Your way only didn't bargain alongside it every minute smart every minute they could have.

10. [+7, -5] They bring a lot of hidden gems other than 'Shine', I actually wishing them the best


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