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Chen As Well As Yulhee Larn Out Along To Facial Expression Upward Backlash Every Mo Novel Idol Parents

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Article: EXO Chen, Yulhee... idols who are dads too moms... why are fans reacting too then coldly?

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+1,520, -37] When people were suspecting Chen's married adult woman to live on vii months pregnant, he called it a rumor.. ㅋㅋ too when fans were left wondering if at that topographic point were whatever other ways for him to betray them again, they flora out that he truly already knew he had a infant on the way during the group's album promos. As for Yulhee, she ruined Laboum's time to come too is selfishly off on her own. Who would back upwards either of them? It's truly quite amazing that Yulhee's on TV giggling hither too at that topographic point since non-fans don't know what she did to her grouping

2. [+1,380, -35] Marriage too nascency are deserving of blessings but their biggest mistakes were letting it touching on their groups inwards a negative way

3. [+1,183, -36] Because they're existence selfish

4. [+176, -5] When Yulhee got pregnant, she said that she was quitting her celebrity career, too then her way terminated her contract without whatever punishment fees. However, later giving birth, she's dorsum to her celebrity promos similar zero ever happened, which is what's getting her the hate.

5. [+121, -6] Both of them impacted their teams negatively. They betrayed their immature human being members who spent years of their teen lives undergoing intense preparation to overstep away singers. Can you lot imagine how it must experience to live on out of a project straightaway land the fellow member that caused it all is on TV all the time?

6. [+101, -5] No i is hating on them for getting married or giving birth. However, becoming an idol is non something that happens every bit an private effort. It's a combined endeavour of your members, fans, too your agency. It's selfish to cutting all of them off merely for your ain happiness. I volition ever back upwards somebody who pursues their happiness, but they demand to know that inwards gild to gain something, you lot must lose something every bit well.

7. [+89, -2] Sunye, Chen, Yulhee ^^

8. [+78, -20] Chen too Yulhee are unlike situations, no? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Fans knew that Chen had a lady friend the entire fourth dimension but when the lady friend started making it obvious that she had gotten married, fans assumed she broke upwards with Chen for somebody else... alone to honour out that it was Chen she married ㅋㅋㅋㅋ every bit for Yulhee, well, she was inwards a nugu grouping earlier leaving the minute she got meaning ㅋㅋ people are merely mad that she's doing improve on her ain than when she was inwards the grouping too booking to a greater extent than shows besides ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+69, -2] What idol inwards the basis plans union too pregnancy land yet inwards active careers? It's all the effect of existence irresponsible, too then of course of report fans are going to live on disappointed inwards that.

10. [+60, -13] At to the lowest degree Yulhee left her group. Not similar she was a fellow member who received much back upwards anyway. Laboum got their nurture out at that topographic point thank you lot to Yulhee's pregnancy news, no? Not that she's inwards the correct but it's non fair to pose her amongst Chen.

11. [+40, -8] Yulhee's truly pure evil considering that she was sneaking or too then land yet living inwards a dorm with her members too got pregnant

12. [+38, -0] They're irresponsible, is all

13. [+35, -1] Chen played his fans for fools. He denied rumors alone for fans to honour out that his lady friend was already meaning when his album was out. Then he had the audacity to role a member's album unloosen every bit a shield for himself ㅋㅋㅋㅋ you lot don't fifty-fifty lead maintain to live on a fan to come across through his intentions too experience the stab


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