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Daesung Releases An Official Tilt On His Edifice Scandal

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Article: [Official Statement] Big Bang Daesung speaks upward almost pr*stitution building, "I enlisted inwards the regular army correct later on purchasing it"

Source: Top Star News via Nate

1. [+393, -19] That edifice is worth a whole 31 billion won... How exercise y'all buy a 31 billion won edifice together with non discovery out anything almost it? How does that brand sense? You simply bought it together with ran away to the regular army ㅋㅋ

2. [+380, -20] I loathe YG equally much equally Japan

3. [+316, -42] Daesung's machine accident needs to hold upward investigated again.. I looked upward by articles together with GD's marijuana scandal was inwards 2011 but together with thence was Daesung's machine accident. All of the articles country that it was simply a machine accident together with didn't rate a argue why... which makes me wonder what connections YG had

4. [+31, -7] Everyone was together with thence certain that Daesung together with Taeyang were normal but they're all the same ㅋ peas inwards a pod ㅋ Taeyang may non bring done anything criminal but he knew almost all this all along together with nonetheless hung out amongst them

5. [+24, -0] So is he actually trying to country he never 1 time visited a edifice that he bought? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+20, -0] How is it possible to non bring known??

7. [+19, -0] It's a edifice that the elevate is disabled in. He paid over xxx billion won to buy it together with never 1 time visited it? When he owns it? Since when did the regular army perish a house of escape? He wants us to believe that he never 1 time visited the edifice inwards existent life earlier together with later on purchasing it? Isn't it his chore to know what sort of businesses are existence travel together with how rent is existence made inwards a edifice of that scale? He needs to come upward up amongst to a greater extent than believable excuses because fifty-fifty a domestic dog would express joy at this ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+19, -0] Lies every fourth dimension they opened upward their mouths

9. [+16, -1] So he purchased the edifice without fifty-fifty checking what it was about? A edifice worth billions? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+11, -0] Honestly, him non knowing is a full lie. There's no agency he couldn't bring known. It's likewise iffy to blame him for this when fifty-fifty the constabulary won't grab these illegal businesses.


Article: Even Daesung inwards scandal... exclusively Taeyang left equally the Big Bang fellow member without criminal charge

Source: Sports Kyunghyang via Naver

1. [+2,164, -131] They actually all bring scandals except for Taeyang ㅋ #1 GD's marijuana, plagiarism, regular army #2 TOP's marijuana, drugs #3 SEungri's Burning Sun, #4 Daesung's machine accident death, pr*stitution, #5 Taeyang's... if I had to pick, lying almost his profile happen equally 173 cm on portal sites

2. [+974, -107] It's unfair to unmarried Taeyang out... it's similar everyone's waiting for him to drive a scandal

3. [+841, -98] The absolute worst... I can't fifty-fifty imagine what stone bottom for them must expect like

4. [+779, -226] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ At this point, anyone who nonetheless believes inwards YG is a OOO, no? I don't fifty-fifty trust Taeyang anymore, together with they should all hold upward investigated along amongst AkMu, Black Pink, Winner, together with the actors

5. [+265, -28] The grouping is living upward to their refer amongst the Sun existence the exclusively affair left surviving later on a big bang


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