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Netizens Ask Sm Cancel Exo's Miyagi Concert

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Article: Netizens enraged over EXO's Japanese concert place 'near Fukushima' "Cancel the concert"

Source: Sports Seoul via Nate

1. [+3,007, -72] I don't await big companies similar SM to participate inwards these boycotts but create they truly postulate to throw mutual depression temperature H2O over us similar this when we're targeting Nihon for their radiations from Fukushima?

2. [+2,658, -58] Are they crazy??!

3. [+2,340, -72] I don't attention that they're bringing habitation Yen from at that topographic point but... actually, that's a groovy thing!! Since we're screwing them over that way. But volition it last okay for the members' wellness to last performing close Fukushima? And Korean fans volition patently last attending, what nearly their health?? Korean fans, delight don't larn to their Fukushima concert. That's the exclusively way their Japanese way too SM won't agree concerts at that topographic point again. I don't fifty-fifty intend the Japanese fans volition last going because of the radiation.

4. [+106, -3] Guys, how tin mail away you lot last dumb plenty to intend that everything's fine equally long equally they're bringing habitation Yen? How create you lot non run into past times the tree? The fact that Nihon is having unusual artists perform close Fukushima is their way of maxim "Fukushima is safe" too then that they tin mail away promote it to a greater extent than too brand to a greater extent than money. This has cipher to create amongst Korean artists bringing habitation Yen.

5. [+84, -5] As if nosotros didn't know Lee Soo Man was greedy already ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+83, -3] SM truly needs to larn a clue nearly what's been going on ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+60, -5] SM is too then blinded past times greed that they're ruining their ain artists

8. [+59, -0] This seems similar a ploy past times Japan, similar their way of saying, "There are no radiations concerns here. Look, we're fifty-fifty asset a concert. You tin mail away swallow our products without worry."

9. [+52, -1] The affair is, EXO has a dissever Japanese way that manages them too they've been hooking them upwards amongst concerts at the Dome too materials until randomly switching to Osaka Castle, Miyagi Hall... which is too then obvious that it's their way of getting payback ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ delight don't purpose idols for your evil ploys of revenge

10. [+45, -0] EXO has a dissever Japanese way ㅠ too they're getting revenge on them for the anti-Japanese persuasion correct instantly ㅜ EXO has never performed at that concert hall too the place doesn't fifty-fifty tally upwards amongst the balance of their tour... This is a grouping that has been performing for 60,000 seats, why would they of a abrupt perform at a 7,000 topographic point hall?... I want SM would only cancel this.

11. [+37, -1] Ridiculous to me that SM is allowing them to last sent there

12. [+36, -1] Please cancel ti, this is dangerous

13. [+34, -0] This is cipher nearly bringing habitation Yen. This only gives Nihon a gratis transcend to purpose our country's pop grouping to tell the basis that Fukushima is safe! What if Japanese ilbe users plow it against us, maxim that EXO patently came to perform at Fukushima because they intend it's rubber too!

14. [+30, -1] The town correct adjacent to Fukushima ㅋㅋ ranked #1 inwards radiations ㅋㅋㅋㅋ this is crazy ㅋㅋㅋㅋ How much did SM larn paid for this??????????? Why are they of a abrupt allowing EXO to perform at a place they've never performed earlier inwards their lives????

15. [+19, -0] I'm all for bringing habitation Yen but... what nearly the members' health...? Or the fans? This concert is too then inconsiderate of everyone.


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