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Ss501's Kim Kyujong Posts In Addition To Thence Deletes Duad Pictures Of Their Opor-Garai Inwards Japan

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Article: SS501 fellow member Kim Kyujong reveals kiss motion painting alongside lady friend piece vacationing inward Nippon -> apace deleted -> writes apology "Sorry for pain you"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+1,499, -19] I don't tending that he has a lady friend but Nippon of all places... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+1,260, -25] Completely empty inward the headㅡ

3. [+1,090, -18] Look at his musical note ㅋㅋ kids similar this all the same convey fans?

4. [+67, -1] Cringe, cringe. He's acting similar he all the same has fans ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+59, -0] Just plough your job organisation human relationship someone together with upload all the pictures showing off how dumb you lot 2 are all you lot desire

6. [+58, -1] I don't know who they are but bask all your radiation

7. [+56, -3] So he's non sad correct right away nearly going to Nippon but sad to his fans nearly lying to them nearly having a girlfriend?

8. [+46, -0] Traitor

9. [+40, -0] Sorry to our fans(ATM) ㅜㅜ

10. [+34, -2] Going to Nippon at a fourth dimension similar this is basically cry for to last called a pro-Japanese celebrity. He actually must convey zippo but poop within his brain. I retrieve he barely had whatever popularity when he was inward SS501 together with he'd all the same last a nugu today if he was all the same on TV.


Source: Naver

1. [+213, -3] So non exclusively does he non convey a clue nearly Blue Planet events but no consideration for his fans either...

2. [+163, -3] Couple pictures inward Nippon at a fourth dimension similar this

3. [+113, -5] Pictures of vacationing inward Nippon at a fourth dimension similar this... does he convey a rigid mental? or is he only clueless... or does he think we're all fools??... or should nosotros only visit him Japanese together with motility on... ????

4. [+82, -6] Yup, there's a argue some celebrities only never brand it

5. [+12, -1] I mean... it's fine to convey a girlfriend, but vacationing inward Nippon at a fourth dimension similar this? Are you lot serious?


Source: Naver

1. [+8,285, -309] Sigh, going to Nippon at a fourth dimension similar this

2. [+5,309, -59] I mean.. he position upwards a bunch of Lovestagram pictures.. together with and thence he apologized to his fans? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+3,721, -64] I'm surprised people similar him exist, together with surprised in 1 lawsuit to a greater extent than that he all the same has fans ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ If you lot postal service upwards pictures of yourself inward Nippon correct now, at that topographic point aren't going to last a lot of people who are going to desire to last associated alongside you. I gauge fifty-fifty groups are made alongside birds of a plume ㅋㅋ

4. [+2,631, -57] If you're going to become at all, at to the lowest degree last tranquillity nearly it ㅠㅠ he's thence stupid

5. [+1,412, -34] He permit become of his mental...

6. [+440, -20] This is why boycotts are pointless, because of sh*theads similar him all the same go

7. [+290, -8] Talk nearly 2 idiots... how stupid of them. There are thence many who are canceling their Nippon trips together with staying tranquillity together with yet he's posting nearly it?

8. [+281, -8] Nippon at a fourth dimension similar this... together with I retrieve he had no proble flight or thence alongside SS501 but together with thence ended upwards inward world service because he was likewise ill to serve, right?


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