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'Superman Returns' Gunhoo As Well As Naeun's Woman Bring Upwards Comments On Screentime Difference

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Article: Park Joo Ho's married adult woman Anna on 'Superman Returns' screentime, "Naeun is ever doing her best... it does wound me... non to come across her that much"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+2,048, -50] It is truthful that Naeun has drastically less screentime these days.. though I'm certain it's because Gunhoo's at an historic menses where he's super cute but Naeun is only every bit loving every bit Gunhoo too!!

2. [+1,427, -115] Probably because people desire to come across to a greater extent than of Gunhoo

3. [+396, -62] I similar Anna's way of educating her kids. She doesn't limit their outfits to sex in addition to allows Naeun to habiliment things that allow her hold out active instead of lacey dresses in addition to stuff. Most parents of daughters desire to wearing clothing them every bit pretty every bit possible in addition to doll them upwards fifty-fifty to a greater extent than ㅋㅋㅋ She also doesn't forcefulness Naeun to sacrifice herself or portion amongst Gunhoo only because he's the dongsaeng in addition to acknowledges the fact that she knows that Neun is trying her best. As a parent, I empathise her wanting her kids to accept equal screentime. I also liked how when Naeun lost her backpack inwards the tube in addition to she called her, she told her that she was potent in addition to asked her to discovery a logical solution, allowing her to calm down. I know these things aren't difficult but in that place aren't a lot of mothers similar her. She knows how it's the picayune things that tin forcefulness out add together upwards in addition to wound your kids in addition to then I similar that she knows to honor each of them individually.

4. [+119, -6] Naeun tin forcefulness out croak attending from her ain parents, the show's screentime is subject on fun in addition to involvement in addition to then it can't hold out helped

5. [+95, -23] It's non that Naeun isn't doing plenty for screentime, it's that Gunhoo is existence in addition to then cute correct now... no demand to hold out upset

6. [+92, -13] What I discovery funny is that inwards the start of 'Superman Returns', Anna to a greater extent than oft than non posted Naeun's pictures in addition to barely whatever Gunhoo pictures. People pointed that out in addition to idea it was weird... but forthwith Anna's Instagram has a ton to a greater extent than Gunhoo pictures. Seems similar they accept their ain administration means in addition to she manages this all herself... but I mean value she should realize that her Instagram is a reflection of the screentime every bit well.

7. [+66, -2] The broadcast globe is a mutual depression temperature industry... You tin forcefulness out say amongst only William in addition to Bentley. Bentley's the babe but William gets to a greater extent than screentime. These TV shows aren't charity projects. They're designed to a greater extent than or less viewer ratings. It's incorrect to compare people to products but the manufacture strictly views people every bit products, in addition to it's inwards their best involvement to render the products that the people desire to see..

8. [+51, -12] Gunhoo's in addition to then pop lately ㅋㅋ I discovery both Naeun in addition to Gunhoo in addition to then pretty in addition to cute, I mean value it's a happy dilemma over who gets to a greater extent than screentime

9. [+50, -13] They're such adorable siblings 💛 But it is Gunhoo's timing since he's learning how to beak in addition to growing up... all the same can't cover Naeun's loveliness though  💛

10. [+43, -6] I don't scout the present but I imagine it's the same affair every bit what happened amongst Lee Dong Guk's family. The younger the child, the cuter they are... in addition to then people tend to ignore the older ones. It can't hold out helped. It's best non to allow your kid on TV if this materials bothers you. It's upwards to the parents to laissez passer on to a greater extent than attending to the older children since they're only every bit loving inwards their eyes still.


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