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U-Kiss Dongho Writes An Sns Contestation On The Terminate Of His Marriage

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Article: 'U-KISS' Dongho on his divorce, "We didn't intermission upwards on bad terms... I'll accept amount responsibleness every bit a parent"

Source: Korea Econ via Nate

1. [+1,839, -45] ㅎㅎㅎ We already knew this would happen.. simply experience bad for the little inward the end..

2. [+1,506, -29] Well he hasn't been making coin so...

3. [+926, -15] The exclusively people y'all worried amongst this is your parents. We don't worry nearly you. Worrying nearly celebrities is useless.

4. [+112, -0] I recollect he adopted a samoyed for a TV demonstrate in addition to hence in 1 trial the demonstrate was over, he sent it to a preparation facility earlier it was establish at a domestic dog shelter. Anyone knows what happened to it?

5. [+98, -3] Didn't nosotros already demand heed intelligence of his divorce before?

6. [+89, -3] Already divorced at such a immature age..

7. [+78, -3] He was basically a little raising a kid... difficult to direct maintain things perish smoothly similar that

8. [+74, -0] Shotgun weddings are hard... imagine living split upwards lives for almost thirty years in addition to hence of a abrupt y'all direct maintain to alive together in addition to y'all direct maintain a little on transcend of that... at in 1 trial into little rearing hell without whatever fourth dimension to notice compromises..

9. [+61, -0] Don't teach married young, guys. The bulk volition regret it.

10. [+56, -3] So the infant eventually became the trial of lust in addition to non love


Source: Naver

1. [+2,516, -50] Did y'all intend matrimony would locomote hence manman hani

2. [+998, -11] Wasn't at that topographic point intelligence of this earlier already?

3. [+790, -18] Divorcing now??? Hasn't it been months??

4. [+370, -40] Don't care

5. [+334, -62] Not that I worry for celebrities but he's been a has been for hence long, who cares nearly his divorce...

6. [+111, -3] So delight purpose nativity command guys, please

7. [+105, -0] He'll in all likelihood teach a YouTuber now

8. [+94, -3] Get married because of pregnancy in addition to this is how those marriages commonly terminate up..

9. [+92, -3] Please halt showing your kids on TV if you're going to terminate upwards getting a divorce ㅜㅜㅠ

10. [+95, -14] There is no mortal out at that topographic point amongst a perfect personality to tally yours... it's all nearly compromise, tsk tsk.


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