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Cnblue's Jonghyun Deletes His Describe Of Piece Of Employment Concern Human Relationship Later Dm Fiasco

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Article: 'Army service' Lee Jonghyun deletes his SNS account... proving that it was him who sent the DM to woman somebody YouTuber?

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

1. [+670, -24] I don't similar that adult woman but I don't similar Lee Jonghyun fifty-fifty more

2. [+649, -6] He likely idea she was slowly because she strips on stream but instead he got embarrassed, tsk tsk

3. [+583, -8] Physiognomy actually must last science. Just expect at his face. Looks similar every other criminal in addition to thug out there. People similar him never change. Trash is trash, forever.

4. [+57, -1] If he's similar this fifty-fifty afterward all that scandal in addition to spell serving inward the army, imagine how much worse he was alongside sending DMs to women earlier all that?

5. [+40, -1] Army life must last super damn comfortable for him?

6. [+29, -0] He must've deleted his concern human relationship out of embarrassment ㅋㅋ

7. [+25, -7] They're both trash, tsk tsk tsk

8. [+24, -2] It's similar he has an obsessive affliction over women!

9. [+21, -0] Maybe she exposed him because she got mad that he called her stomach fatty ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+17, -0] Isn't it simply on private? I bet he'll last dorsum to hitting upwards the DMs of other girls alongside chubby tummies


Source: Nate

1. [+891, -6] I don't retrieve he knows what the discussion 'reflection' means...

2. [+803, -5] Aigoo, y'all fool, wake upwards already. Imagine how heartbreaking it must experience for your parents to wake upwards to this news..

3. [+732, -3] He needs to last inward jail

4. [+44, -2] Tummyfat Jonghyun, Nipple Jaehyun

5. [+42, -0] I dubiousness his parents are fifty-fifty able to tell anyone that Lee Jonghyun is their boy anymore

6. [+36, -0] Kids similar him volition alive similar this until they die, there's nix direct chances that they'll always alter ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+26, -0] He needs therapy, doesn't he? It's similar sexual practice rules his life

8. [+25, -0] I'd last likewise embarrassed to alive if I were him


Source: Naver

1. [+2,929, -13] At this point, I suspect there's something incorrect alongside his DNA

2. [+1,632, -8] The proverb that humans aren't meant to last fixed actually hits dwelling family here

3. [+731, -17] He likely idea she was easy, what a psycho

4. [+608, -11] I don't retrieve he fifty-fifty knows what the emotion of feeling embarrassed is

5. [+594, -9] How are y'all nevertheless acting similar this at your age.. pathetic

6. [+114, -8] Pathetic.. gives me goosebumps

7. [+86, -0] I wonder how many other women he hitting on similar this? tsk tsk

8. [+80, -0] He actually tried to instruct alongside someone ㅋㅋ


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