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Kyungri Says Adieu To Star Empire

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Article: 'Contract expired' Nine Muses Kyungri's SNS update attracts attention... appear of problems amongst onetime way Star Empire?

Source: Top Star News via Nate

1. [+525, -2] Picture for leaving the fellowship ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+438, -8] Star Empire's CEO has ever been notorious for his temper ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I recollect thinking he's hopeless when I saw him hitting the human face upward of to a greater extent than or less other ex-Nine Muses member

3. [+390, -17] Honestly, Kyungri would hold upward a lot to a greater extent than famous correct straight off if she had joined a bigger way similar SM. It's upsetting that she alone ever got pop for her sexy image..

4. [+20, -0] With members similar Kyungri together with Minha inward it, the alone i to blame for Nine Muses non beingness to a greater extent than pop is Star Empire ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+11, -1] Star Empire's CEO is infamous for his character... The bigger work is that every Nine Muses fellow member who has left has non had whatsoever decent solo career of their own. They all basically retired from the industry... Even members who are to a greater extent than beautiful than Kyungri haven't had whatsoever promos since leaving.

6. [+5, -0] Kyungri's a expert vocalizer together with Nine Muses convey had to a greater extent than or less groovy songs but their way merely sucks. You tin say merely how hopeless they are when they sat on a grouping every bit groovy every bit Nine Muses together with never got them anywhere.

7. [+4, -0] Nine Muses never made it because the grouping itself never jibe the idol image. People blame their way for their lack of progress but the members themselves were every bit good much taller compared to other idol groups together with their faces had a mature type of sexy expect that merely didn't function (idols are usually cute). I intend it was the lack of relatability that made it harder for them.

8. [+4, -0] Star Empire needs to unopen downwardly their company. They couldn't larn inward amongst Nine Muses, they're leaving Han Hyeri on the backburner, their other groups never got anywhere either... It's best to merely unopen downwardly store together with allow the other trainees larn to amend futures.


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