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Yang Hyun Suk's Law Investigations Ongoing For Twenty Hours In Addition To Therefore Far

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Article: 'Gambling abroad, providing pr*stitution' Yang Hyun Suk's marathon police delineate investigation ongoing for xx hours

Source: Star Today via Nate

1. [+200, -8] Seeing Yang Hyun Suk too Seungri has made me realize that I take away to brand a lot of money. I don't commit whatever crimes myself but if I brand whatever error inward life, I amend guide keep a lot of coin to pay off police delineate too prosecutors to guide keep an slow life.

2. [+167, -6] I mean.. it's technically xx hours... but I bet he got breaks, fourth dimension to eat, too perchance fifty-fifty a nap if he's tired. Please don't act similar xx hours is a big bargain i time y'all regard all of that. Please merely investigate the heart of the issues... Don't allow him focus on the gambling charges too bury the rest.

3. [+136, -2] He's solely going to larn probation inward the halt anyway

4. [+15, -3] Well that's a prissy nap

5. [+11, -0] Watch a movie, swallow a meal, accept a nap, play to a greater extent than or less games on the phone, that's enough, right?

6. [+11, -2] The police delineate guide keep been on his side for too thus long already. He's been running illegal businesses that were genuinely parlors... xx hours of investigation is to a greater extent than similar a xx lx minutes repast break!

7. [+10, -3] How big is this investigation that they're taking over xx hours?

8. [+8, -4] The xx hours is all for present ㅋㅋ he's napping, eating, taking a interruption ㅋㅋ

9. [+5, -0] Shouldn't Psy last called inward every bit well?

10. [+5, -0] Probably ordered to a greater extent than or less Chinese too took a nap ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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