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Are Hyuna's Performances Solely Seen Every Mo Scandalous Because It's Hyuna?

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Article: "Because she's Hyuna?" Exposure vs Performance, the industry's persuasion surrounding her controversy

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+884, -45] It's non similar she got into this disceptation for only wearing brusk shorts. She lifted upwards her skirt to demo her panties, of course of teaching people are going to last surprised past times that. Even her backdancers were surprised past times that, why wouldn't Blue Planet be? And similar the article said, this wouldn't accept been that big of a disceptation if it had happened at her ain personal concert.

2. [+811, -56] What's the departure betwixt lifting upwards your skirt to demo your underwear together with shaking butt... together with someone taking off her underwear to larn to a greater extent than tips?? There's gotta last a work drawn somewhere, tsk tsk tsk.

3. [+726, -38] Lifting upwards her skirt inwards the middle of a surgery was crossing the line;;; she totally lifted upwards together with shook her butt around. Who was it 1 time again that sexualizes women equally products?

4. [+43, -0] She's non a singer, she's a demo girl. Please terminate calling yourself a singer... at that spot are then many existent singers out at that spot who only dream of getting to pursue their arts and crafts without existence paid a cent inwards return, people who never larn the chance no affair how talented they are. Don't telephone proper name upwards yourself a singer... it's non similar you lot sing anyway.

5. [+36, -2] A truthful sexy surgery on phase is something that tin last felt without needing to demo that much skin

6. [+34, -0] Just switch careers to existence a demo girl...

7. [+32, -1] Didn't she yell earlier close how she exclusively exposed her peel inwards meaningful ways? ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+31, -1] Please don't invite her to campus festivals anymore

9. [+26, -2] But really, why did she produce it? Even her backdancer unni looked actually surprised ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+22, -1] As a man, I institute her gross, really

11. [+18, -0] I promise she realizes that non 1 somebody looked at that together with idea she looked sexy

12. [+12, -7] Her fellowship is agency equally good lax alongside her


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