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Hyeri Caught Swearing On Tv?

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Article: Girl's Day Hyeri nether disputation for swearing? "Then yous endeavor it, isshi" Shin Dong Yeob horrified

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+830, -134] Hyeri-ya, delight halt letting your green self present on TV

2. [+805, -103] But I heard "shiba" ㅋㅋ

3. [+773, -107] I heard "shibal"

4. [+133, -15] Hyeri practically acts similar a gangster on this show

5. [+121, -16] Is it because she's uneducated? Or her parents never taught her better?? Or is she actually merely that stupid??

6. [+118, -15] Seems similar she doesn't laissez passer on a crap anymore straightaway that she's successful

7. [+111, -16] First your dongsaeng's shopping mall too straightaway this, you're on a sparse line, Hyeri-ya?

8. [+93, -15] I watched this present for the outset fourth dimension too I idea it'd last a groovy present without Hyeri. I'm non her anti but she makes me uncomfortable amongst how much she acts up.

9. [+91, -5] Hyeri must non last variety to the producers. The producers would commonly edit this materials out but they left it all inwards similar "f*ck you!"

10. [+84, -15] She acts upwards likewise much. Jun Yeol-ah, yous actually convey no gustation inwards women.

11. [+81, -7] I heard a swear likewise too got surprised, looks similar they didn't edit it out

12. [+75, -13] She's too then makjang


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