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Jungkook's Tattooist Friend Denies That They Are Inwards A Relationship

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Article: 'Jungkook dating rumors' non-celebrity woman, "We are non lovers, NOT a brace tattoo"

Source: Sports Today via Nate

1. [+1,803, -172] Just friends but giving dorsum hugs ㅎ looks similar Jungkook is rattling complimentary inwards fashion

2. [+1,442, -58] How did they fifty-fifty observe the Instagram of a non-celebrity? Fandoms are crazy these days;;;

3. [+1,150, -464] I guess they're non dating then. I'll acknowledge I was surprised that Jungkook's the type to hug woman someone friends similar that but she does seem rattling androgynous inwards fashion together with seems open-minded.

4. [+258, -14] Feels similar they were dating but aren't allowed to after today anymore

5. [+253, -11] Now nosotros know why big agencies don't laissez passer on such long opor-garai times to their artists

6. [+236, -43] I ever saw Jungkook equally the cute type thence I'm surprised yesteryear the type of adult woman he's into... he seems to hold upwards into the dark, artsy type... sigh...

7. [+212, -22] Jimin's finger flick video inwards Paris got buried but if you lot facial expression at the type of people Jungkook hangs out with, he's rattling dissimilar from the type of epitome he portrays inwards public. Imagine the sort of coin he makes together with the sort of seductions that lurk approximately him. I'm scared that BTS is going to halt upwards similar Big Bang later on on. If they're given a month-long opor-garai together with this is what they cause, they're on that path.

8. [+195, -32] So this is why they asked fans to ignore them when they come across them inwards world on vacation... thence they tin dismiss become approximately on dates amongst their girlfriend. Hmm... Jimin was caught at a bar giving beingness playful amongst a daughter inwards a unusual dry ground too. I wonder how these 2 aren't apologetic to the other hyungs who are working difficult on their side yesteryear side album.

9. [+184, -13] I noticed all the flashy tattoos Jungkook's been getting on his finger together with the hippy pilus styles. His style's been getting weirder... simply why? Please wake up.

10. [+178, -17] Come on... Armies know what sort of personality Jungkook has yesteryear straight off ㅋㅋㅋ he's totally non the type to larn all sleazy towards a girl, he's truly a lot to a greater extent than introverted... thence for Jungkook to hold upwards backhugging a daughter inwards world basically agency that they're already dating. He also has Mijoo's initials MJ on his fingers. He knew he'd larn caught thence he tried to brand the thou facial expression similar some menage thence he could accept an excuse to shield himself later on if he got caught.


Source: Naver

1. [+1,678, -103] I don't know if there's a argue for all this hate. Yes, Armies who were disrespectful to Hash Swan should indeed apologize, but I shout out upwards if Jungkook had fun on his vacation, that's all that matters. I know that Earth volition hold upwards interested inwards who he's dating because of this but this won't hinder BTS inwards whatever way. He didn't commit a criminal offense or anything.

2. [+924, -136] Let's hold upwards honest, dating is even thence detrimental to a grouping similar them.

3. [+688, -164] I'm thence sad... that it truly is him inwards the CCTV pictures ㅠㅠ

4. [+460, -51] Can fans simply acknowledge everything already, halt maxim it's some other tattooist

5. [+297, -32] I don't shout out upwards it's the dating that's the occupation but the initial tattoo he got on his fingers, no?

6. [+160, -18] Just allow them date. Imagine how piddling fourth dimension they accept to themselves that they ended upwards dating someone they met at a tattoo shop! And it was the maknae that caused the showtime scandal too... Jungkook-ah, you lot won't hold upwards able to hold spill out course of didactics if you lot allow your immaturity larn to you lot together with appointment whoever you lot desire without discretion. The hyungs should restrain him a little.

7. [+124, -12] What practice fans desire inwards the end? To castrate their idols? They larn all mad that they're dating but did they await a human being of his historic catamenia to hold upwards celibate? ㅋ

8. [+137, -27] He's 23 years old, thence what if he's dating.... I dubiousness he's had fourth dimension to appointment since he was 16. Do you lot truly desire him to simply rehearse himself to expiry without whatever of the joys that other people his historic catamenia larn to enjoy? I back upwards him.

9. [+113, -14] Did a adult woman amongst tattoos together with piercings facial expression cool to you? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

10. [+90, -1] His fans are thence extreme that I bet she'll larn murdered if she ever admits to dating him


Article: Jungkook's closed woman someone friend tattooist 'red light' on identity beingness leaked "real name, SNS, interviews found"

Source: E-Today via Nate

1. [+825, -20] Of all people, it had to hold upwards a BTS member... she's going to larn exposed everywhere because they accept thence many fans

2. [+692, -34] Too many fans... I don't shout out upwards they could fifty-fifty hold a friendship at this point...

3. [+659, -126] Did Jungkook practice drugs? What are fans claiming that he wasn't beingness wholesome for? Why process him similar a criminal simply for getting caught on the CCTV of a restaurant?

4. [+121, -14] What fans are criticizing isn't whether she's his friend or a lady friend or where they were hanging out, it's that he's hanging out amongst people amongst tattoos. You all know that birds of a plume flock together.

5. [+116, -11] Jungkook-ah... is this the sort of someone you lot truly were? My epitome of him has truly shattered after seeing what sort of people he hangs out with.. ㅡㅡ

6. [+83, -18] The hyung describe of piece of work goes to fine art exhibits, wheel riding, fishing, together with other wholesome opor-garai activities... acre the maknae line... I guess they're immature blood for a reason...

7. [+77, -7] I can't stand upwards people amongst tattoos. Temporary tattoos are fine but doing this to your trunk is non cool at all!!!

8. [+71, -2] "Friend", equally if, what sort of friend hugs their friend from behind?

9. [+63, -8] I liked Jungkook because I assumed he lived a wholesome life but this is quite dissimilar from what I was thinking...

10. [+46, -3] Imagine the backlash if a woman someone idol was caught backhugging a man? Remember all the ridicule JooE received simply for having her arms linked amongst some other man?


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