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Miss Korea Kim Se Yeon Shares A Sweetness Selca

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Article: Miss Korea Kim Se Yeon's reserved beauty

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+357, -7] Daughter of a thug?

2. [+331, -3] Nobody cares close the fille of a homo who beats minors together with then delight terminal writing articles close her

3. [+297, -7] She doesn't convey a form experience to her face

4. [+41, -1] This is seriously the human face upward of individual who represents our country's beauty??????????

5. [+33, -1] You meet her human face upward oft only about busy cities

6. [+26, -1] Faces similar hers are a dime a dozen on Instagram

7. [+24, -1] She's alone Miss Korea because of her thug of a father, tsk tsk

8. [+19, -2] As the fille b*tch of a thug, I bet your temper's only equally nasty equally his

9. [+18, -1] Can't believe this is the human face upward of a Miss Korea winner...

10. [+12, -2] There hasn't been a decent Miss Korea since Honey Lee. She looks one-time inwards this picture.


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