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Netizens React Coldly To Intelligence Of 'Mama' Beingness Held Inward Japan

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Article: Who is 'MAMA' belongings it inward Nippon for? Cold reactions

Source: X Sports News via Naver

1. [+5,427, -26] Why are nosotros belongings a Korean accolade ceremony inward a unusual country..? In Nippon of all places? Our people are boycotting all vacations together with tourist visits hence 'MAMA' must real intend we're idiots to autumn for this. Do they receive got no pride? Do they non intend our ain country's ticketing ability is anything worth considering?

2. [+5,030, -42] Greed volition brand yous thrown your ain province away ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+2,995, -14] Cultural exchange? What a lie. Just state you're belongings it in that location for the money. It's already hilarious to me that we're splitting our ain country's music ceremony separately betwixt unusual countries.

4. [+2,572, -444] Any creative individual who participates inward this volition last seen equally traitors to our country

5. [+1,384, -13] Nippon volition bound Korean artists on their ain broadcasts but non concerts similar this because it makes them money

6. [+596, -6] CJ, if yous guys real wanted "cultural exchange", hence yous would agree the concert inward Korea together with receive got it hence that K-Pop fans from other countries receive got to come upwardly to us. Your ain people are busy boycotting Japanese products together with tourism together with silent yous telephone weep upwardly yourselves a big Korean fellowship together with dare to throw H2O all over our efforts similar this? I want a big fandom similar BTS would footstep upwardly together with boycott the 'MAMA' this year.

7. [+462, -6] I honor this hence gross. I empathise that people don't desire politics involved amongst this sort of cultural materials but Nippon has such a long history of stomping all over our ain culture. It's non possible for me to separate civilization together with politics.

8. [+396, -3] There are hence many people boycotting Japanese tourism, fifty-fifty students who are paying penalisation fees to cancel their flat trips... what is CJ doing? I'll last boycotting all CJ products from today on out.

9. [+338, -1] It doesn't accept much to last a traitor... if you're throwing away your ain province for a chip of profit, that makes yous a traitor

10. [+334, -1] CJ needs to last added to the listing of Japanese boycotts


Source: Nate

1. [+3,767, -39] Why is our ain country's ceremony beingness held inward Japan? The hosts are trash!!

2. [+3,213, -38] What a weird ceremony... is in that location a necessary argue that it needs to last held there? There are hence many other locations... simply why?

3. [+2,483, -77] 'MAMA' is besides busy trying to dissever upwardly the trophies amid the agencies. Aside from BTS, for the by 3 years, the digital accolade of the twelvemonth has never gone to the grouping deserving of it. Twice never reached the overstep 10 inward the annual chart, they were real #30, together with silent won vocal of the twelvemonth for the by 3 years ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+101, -3] Is Mnet crazy? They desire to agree it inward Nippon at a fourth dimension similar this? I knew CJ was pro-Japanese when they were preparation their ain Japanese idol grouping ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+97, -5] Such a multifariousness of ways of selling your ain province off

6. [+83, -5] I promise our country's artists decline to attend

7. [+74, -3] Any grouping that attends this volition last seen equally insane

8. [+64, -3] A ceremony... inward Japan... at a fourth dimension similar this?! Are they insane?! But what else would yous hold off from a fellowship that sells 2nd rice sourced from Fukushima

9. [+61, -2] Singers together with fans involve to boycott this for CJ to halt their pro-Japanese antics. The entire province is participating inward a majority Japanese boycott, CJ is alone using "cultural exchange" equally an excuse for them to brand to a greater extent than money. We should non let a fellowship that cares to a greater extent than close coin than their ain province to grow whatever farther inward our country.

10. [+57, -1] CJ OUT!!!! MAMA OUT!!!!!


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