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Rapper Sleepy Reveals He Is Suffering From Extreme Fiscal Hardships Nether Contract Alongside Ts

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Article: [Exclusive] "Water in addition to electricity cutting off, delight non the gas" Sleepy, fiscal hardships of a thirteen twelvemonth rapper

Source: Dispatch via Nate

1. [+5,427, -20] Sigh, this is ridiculous. You could basically telephone telephone him the minute Eugene Park. I promise they investigate every slice of this in addition to penalize them equally necessary. His agency took it likewise far.

2. [+5,067, -24] Can't believe a 9:1 contract however exists

3. [+4,581, -30] TS has had several other scandals in addition to contract lawsuits amongst their artists before

4. [+505, -3] I experience in addition to thence damn bad for Sleepy. His lamentable concept wasn't but a concept, it was existent life.

5. [+474, -2] The Katalk conversations demo that his agency is consummate trash. I sympathize paying him in addition to thence picayune when his contract was 1:9 but instantly that it's 4.5:5.5, how could he accept only made 10 meg won inwards a year? I retrieve he was on a lot of TV shows, shot a duo CFs, in addition to performed at festivals... One or 2 festivals lone could cyberspace yous over 10 meg won.

6. [+427, -3] Hul, his agency is cruel. They remove to pay their artists plenty in addition to thence that at to the lowest degree life is sustainable. Why wouldn't yous pay the people that did the move for you?

7. [+359, -6] And Sleepy is quite a famous celebrity himself too;;;

8. [+349, -2] I e'er got annoyed whenever celebrities complained most fiscal hardships on TV but Sleepy was for real..

9. [+284, -1] This is basically a slave contract

10. [+260, -1] It's non similar Sleepy is an idol grouping amongst a ton of expenses, he's but 1 person... he was on in addition to thence many multifariousness shows in addition to yet he's however poor? Why hasn't TS gone bankrupt yet? They accept in addition to thence many issues.


Article: [Exclusive] TS "We paid for 50% of Sleepy's diverse infirmary bills and  abode bills" vs Sleepy's claim of fiscal hardship

Source: News 1 via Naver

1. [+7,036, -24] You wouldn't accept had to pay for his infirmary bills if yous had but paid him what he earned

2. [+4,194, -30] I experience in addition to thence bad for him. That agency he didn't fifty-fifty accept plenty coin to pay for his mother's infirmary bills because his agency wasn't paying him. I tin forcefulness out nation how hard his fiscal hardships accept been past times this article alone. This is going likewise far.

3. [+3,748, -16] Imagine how picayune TS paid him that he had to produce whatever he tin forcefulness out to larn coin out of them, fifty-fifty amongst infirmary bills ㅋㅋㅋ TS improve non brag most paying his infirmary bills for him in addition to start thinking most why their ain artists is having to asking such expenses to endure paid inwards the start place.

4. [+2,742, -25] How does a 1:9 contract brand whatever feel at all ㅡㅡ but pay him already

5. [+1,745, -16] This agency has in addition to thence many problems... who knows how much to a greater extent than successful Sleepy, SECRET, BAP, or Sonamoo would endure if they had signed amongst other agencies...

6. [+536, -1] So Sleepy is claiming that TS started having issues amongst paying him later their CEO passed away in addition to that he was paid on fourth dimension when the CEO was however alive, in addition to yet TS is putting out receipts from when the CEO was however alive...

7. [+382, -1] Paying 50% of someone's infirmary bills does non justify a 1:9 contract ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ If yous had given him a 9:1 contract, yous would non accept had to pay 50% of his infirmary bills inwards the start house ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ TS is acting similar paying 50% was something grand that they did.

8. [+292, -1] Sleepy is turning forty soon, why would yous brand him beg for his ain coin similar this? And what sort of agency only pays their artists when they beg for it?? None of this would've happened if he was but paid on time.


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