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Seungri Completes Roughly Other Circular Of Investigations

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Article: Seungri completes investigations 'firmly near lips'

Source: Sports Today via Nate

1. [+233, -6] Why are his nighttime circles ever similar that? Is he high?

2. [+202, -5] With the nighttime circles, he looks similar a fatty breadbasket ajusshi

3. [+99, -2] Life must live on treating him good judging yesteryear all that chubby weight gain ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+13, -3] Can't stand upwardly looking at him

5. [+11, -1] Why does he hold off similar he gained fifty-fifty to a greater extent than weight

6. [+10, -2] Why does this ba$tard hold off to a greater extent than together with to a greater extent than similar Toshio

7. [+10, -1] Ugh my eyes

8. [+6, -3] No improve trash than this

9. [+6, -1] But really,w hy are his eyes similar that? He looks similar a drug addict.

10. [+5, -1] He ever makes this human face upwardly later finishing investigations, together with thus annoying

11. [+4, -0] He looks together with thus evil... together with dirty;;;;;;

12. [+4, -0] He's gained a lot of weight. Life must live on expert for him these days.


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