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Sulli Suffers A Wardrobe Malfunction During Her Alive Stream

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Article: Sulli at it again? On the chopping block for SNS no bra exposure accident

Source: Newsis via Naver

1. [+4,117, -1,280] So it's stylish when Whasa doesn't habiliment a bra but it's beingness an attending wh*re if Sulli doesn't..? I gauge beingness pretty is the criminal offense here..

2. [+1,658, -311] Korean people certain honor together with then many things triggering

3. [+1,681, -396] She doesn't fifty-fifty get got a pectus together with then who cares if she's wearing a bra or a force up? ㅋㅋ

4. [+1,685, -897] What's the signal of blurring it all out when she's the i who's desperate to exhibit herself? ㅋ Just allow everyone see. She wants to alive her life cheaply, allow her alive it cheaply ㅎㅎ

5. [+903, -203] Why does she desire attending this way? Does she non get got confidence inward herself?

6. [+392, -4] This isn't merely a no bra accident... this is amount on showing her chest

7. [+342, -6] Wearing a bra or non is a personal alternative but showing your pectus is a completely dissimilar situation...

8. [+278, -11] It's fine if this is how she wants to alive her life but I'm certain her parents are pretty upset that their missy is the verbalize of the town similar this. If she doesn't desire to habiliment a bra, that's fine, but don't post service pictures of yourself similar that... what are yous trying to show? You know just how people are going to react together with then I mean value she merely enjoys beingness inward that type of situation.


Source: Naver

1. [+1,014, -192] Ugh, I get got a correct to non get got to run across her ㅡㅡ

2. [+442, -36] I don't attention whether she doesn't habiliment a bra or non but yous get got to acknowledge that she isn't real careful

3. [+230, -30] Already saw it all inward her moving painting anyway

4. [+137, -23] If yous don't get got whatsoever shame or morality, you're no dissimilar from a pig

5. [+51, -12] She's a psycho


Source: Nate

1. [+1,165, -104] Upvote if yous mean value she staged this on purpose, downvote if yous mean value it was an accident

2. [+705, -56] She's non crazy... she merely enjoys this type of attention..

3. [+662, -51] I'm starting to mean value she's doing this all on purpose now

4. [+38, -2] She's gratuitous to create what she wants but I get got to enquiry why she's similar this..

5. [+38, -4] She shows that it doesn't thing how pretty yous are, if yous continue acting crazy, you're non going to await pretty anymore

6. [+33, -4] Not similar there's anything ot see, she's a apartment wall

7. [+28, -2] Intentional... definitely intentional..

8. [+24, -2] So muddy of her to flow similar she didn't create this on purpose


Source: Nate

1. [+1,377, -87] Why bother blurring the screencaps? ㅡㅡ She's the i who wants to exhibit herself ㅡㅡ get got off the blur filter

2. [+1,090, -294] I wouldn't fifty-fifty attention if she had a pretty pectus at to the lowest degree ㅋㅋㅋㅋ She's together with then skinny that her pectus isn't fifty-fifty that big together with it's genuinely sagging, why is she terrorizing our eyeballs alongside them?

3. [+988, -167] Can yous delight halt showing your pectus to us, I'm genuinely sick of it

4. [+58, -3] You could clearly run across everything together with nevertheless she merely unopen her transcend similar zip happened. I mean value she's definitely enjoying this.

5. [+43, -3] Exposing your pectus for attending is together with then stone bottom... come upwardly on, yous can't last that far down, tin strength out you?

6. [+40, -1] She needs to halt oculus r*ping us

7. [+26, -3] The blur filter is weirder. There's zip to run across anyway, it's non similar her pectus is anything similar Kate Upton or Scarlett Johansson.

8. [+24, -3] Sulli seems to mean value of her pectus every bit merely roughly other role of her torso similar an arm or a leg together with then let's merely allow it go, it's her ain SNS anyway


Source: Nate

1. [+665, -73] If she showed her pectus on purpose, doesn't that count every bit an illegal obscene performance? There were patently children watching that flow together with nevertheless she showed her ain pectus on it. If she gained whatsoever satisfaction from that act, she's a bad adult.

2. [+389, -81] She's certain going to wed good ^^

3. [+332, -50] Please halt terrorizing our eyeballs... ㅠㅠ

4. [+37, -0] She was wearing a V cervix that came downwardly to her belly push together with it was together with then discover plumbing equipment every bit good ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ there's no agency she couldn't get got exposed herself ㅋㅋ She merely seems to no attention at all virtually her pectus ㅎ

5. [+28, -3] She has zip inward her brain, this is all she knows how to do


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