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Eugene As Well As Ki Tae Young's Fille Rohee Admitted To A Prestigious International School

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Article: [Exclusive] Eugene ♥ Ki Tae Toung's immature adult woman 'language genius' Rohee admitted to famous Korean international school

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+3,107, -135] It doesn't hateful she's a genius, anyone tin forcefulness out acquire into that schoolhouse if the parents are rich;; ^^

2. [+2,291, -59] Rohee was then immature when she was on the present then I accept no thought how smart she is at in 1 lawsuit but Hong Kyung Min's immature adult woman Rawon seems particular inwards the linguistic communication expanse ㅎㅎ

3. [+2,069, -91] They said they'd rather non set a five yr onetime through rigorous schooling but I estimate greed won inwards the end..

4. [+162, -18] It's the argue they purposely went all the agency to Guam to give nascency to Rohee. They alone got into this schoolhouse because they're American. It's funny to me how they brand all their coin inwards Korea but they desire to act similar their immature adult woman is to a greater extent than special than the average Korean kid past times sending her to an international school.

5. [+161, -12] Anyone tin forcefulness out acquire their kid inwards every bit long every bit y'all tin forcefulness out xl 1 one m thousand won + bring upwardly interview ㅎ

6. [+144, -7] Why produce then much when she's barely 5?

7. [+139, -14] Basically a schoolhouse for rich kids ^^

8. [+137, -11] By that logic, wouldn't Naeun hold out to a greater extent than of a genius inwards language? ㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+76, -4] You should never decide how smart your kid genuinely is until instant yr junior high midterms together with freshman high schoolhouse midterms All the 'prodigy' pedagogy stuf before that is a waste product of money. Just hold out certain to back upwardly your kid when they offset showing involvement inwards extracurriculars inwards middle together with high school. You're going to terminate upwardly amongst a rowdy teenager if y'all force it whatever before than that.

10. [+51, -11] Didn't Eugene acquire into Korea University's English linguistic communication subdivision through special celebrity perks?


Source: Naver

1. [+2,235, -210] All thank y'all to having rich parents...

2. [+900, -32] My kid's five likewise together with memorized the alphabet then I started reading English linguistic communication books to her. Unfortunately, I'm non that proficient at English linguistic communication then I stutter through it ㅠ I'm certain my kid would hold out learning faster if I was to a greater extent than proficient at it, I'm pathetic ㅎㅎ

3. [+398, -55] What a smartie!

4. [+322, -27] She's yet then young, delight don't stress her out over schooling yet

5. [+276, -31] Wow, she's five together with has a higher IQ than me

6. [+220, -4] Anyone tin forcefulness out acquire into an international schoolhouse every bit long every bit 1 of the parents is a foreigner ㅎㅎ Eugene is American, so... together with all international schools are private. This isn't genuinely big word

7. [+203, -3] My kid tested for something at half-dozen years together with ranked inwards the reach off 1% then I thought she'd grow upwardly to produce something big but tests similar that unremarkably don't connect to your studies afterward on. It's only a fun retention to operate along

8. [+139, -1] Female children unremarkably exam higher inwards linguistic communication skills... but that doesn't Pb to meliorate studying skills afterward on. You never know a child's potential until the rattling end.

9. [+122, -0] Everyone knows that an IQ exam at her historic menses is meaningless ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+101, -0] At five years old... basically meaningless


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