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Gain Reveals That Beg's Iv Twelvemonth Hiatus Was Inwards Usage Due To Herself

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Article: BEG Gain, "The 4 yr hiatus was because of me... I won't commencement problem anymore"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+1,542, -35] She actually took assist of her mental though

2. [+1,447, -27] Gain suffered a lot from depression. Please proceed upward alongside your dependable unnis together with break albums similar this! BEG fighting ㅠ_ㅠ

3. [+1,236, -64] Don't e'er hand a druggie human being your fourth dimension of hateful solar daytime ㅋ

4. [+92, -8] I retrieve when she was shooting 'WGM' alongside Jo Kwon, a fortune teller said that Gain would become through 2-3 years of hardship afterward the show... looking back, it seems similar she was right.

5. [+87, -8] It's skillful that she turned downwards drugs, though!!

6. [+81, -2] So glad that she has her unnis or thus her. I intend if they were or thus her age, she would've left the grouping or they would've disbanded past times now.

7. [+67, -0] I'm but glad she didn't larn into whatever bad things together with is dorsum to where she belongs..

8. [+62, -3] I but dear her voice

9. [+30, -2] I dear all 4 of them... tsundere sexy women...

10. [+27, -4] Her beauty peaked inward 'Bloom'. She was thus pretty then.

11. [+25, -2] I wouldn't telephone call upward it "starting trouble"... I intend it was but a mixture of low together with skepticism from a life inward the industry. There are means to a greater extent than people who displace bigger problem together with however come upward out on TV.


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