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Monsta 10 Fans Take Away Apology From Members For 'Me Too' Joke

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Article: Monsta X's means apologizes for Me Too controversy, fans demand "apology from the fellow member himself"

Source: Sports Kyunghyang via Naver

A fancam from before inwards the twelvemonth showed Minhyuk together with Wonho interacting amongst fans. In the video, Minhyuk puts his mic on Wonho's breast together with asks, "Nipple-ssi, delight nation something" to which Wonho puts his manus upwards together with shouts, "Me too".


1. [+607, -21] At to the lowest degree their fans know what's right.. way to a greater extent than mature than fans who defend their idols no thing what they do!

2. [+298, -8] If fifty-fifty the fans are demanding an apology from him, does the fellow member non experience anything at all?

3. [+313, -44] He's non solely a human being but an idol amongst the adoration of many woman mortal fans. He volition never know what it feels similar to loser ability inwards a sexual assault. Even if fans demand an apology from him, they volition never have 1 that is genuine together with heartfelt. His mindset close this is all incorrect together with he's going to brand the same error again, all the spell wondering similar other men "what did I practise together with thus wrong?"... together with he's going to loathe his fans for it inwards the end. A lot of fans lead keep already turned their backs on him over this, me included, together with thus farewell.

4. [+249, -13] This is what a existent fandom is. To correct what's wrong.

5. [+91, -10] Why would he brand such a mistake?

6. [+58, -8] If Shownu is what gets people into the fandom, Wonho is what makes people leave... he was already caught drinking together with smoking equally a pocket-sized inwards the past, together with at nowadays he was caught making a joke out of the Me Too movement..

7. [+50, -8] If your career is off the coin together with honey of women, shouldn't you lot present to a greater extent than or less basic honor towards them? ㅋㅋ At to the lowest degree apologize right away if you lot made a error similar this, you're non to a greater extent than or less five twelvemonth quondam child... you're a human being facing 30, practise nosotros actually demand to endure explaining things 1 at a fourth dimension to you?

8. [+42, -6] Making a joke out of Me Too spell living off of the coin of woman mortal consumers... what an tardily life virile mortal idols have


Article: Monsta X apologizes for Me Too joke, "Deeply reflecting... nosotros apologize"

Source: News 1 via Nate

1. [+193, -23] Why is the means apologizing instead of the people who made the mistake?

2. [+131, -14] This is what happens when you lot permit people amongst rocks for brains operate past times singers

3. [+100, -14] What practise you lot await when they lead keep empty brains.........

4. [+16, -0] "There was no intention at all"...? Who would believe that ㅋ

5. [+11, -0] Once a grouping starts amongst a scandal, scandals volition e'er follow no thing what. Their thug tendencies don't but disappear ㅋ


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