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Yeeun Reveals She Cried Piece Watching 'Kim Ji Immature Born 1982'

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Article: Ha:tfelt Yeeun "I cried a lot" field watching 'Kim Ji Young Born 1982'

Source: MK Sports via Nate

1. [+1,691, -310] Here's an article that'll brand y'all shout out tears of blood! (summary of article on Yeeun's father's scam in addition to a adult woman alleging that he molested her)

2. [+1,567, -740] I truly establish what the anchorwoman said yesterday to survive to a greater extent than relatable

3. [+1,521, -653] Women desire agreement but it's one-sided. When men utter nearly their ain difficulties, they're shot dorsum alongside "all men should survive able to grip that, no?" It's hypocritical. What if the same was said to women? Then they'd telephone telephone men piteous in addition to cowardly.

4. [+156, -53] It's only hilarious to me that the moving painting is nearly women who were born some '82 but that's when things were totally peachy for women ㅋㅋㅋ in addition to when y'all convey that up, they all firstly bringing upwardly their mothers inwards their fifties in addition to sixties ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+114, -35] I would totally empathise if the generation of our mothers inwards their 50s in addition to 60s were relating to this moving painting but I accept no thought what women inwards their 20s in addition to 30s who grew upwardly alongside all sorts of perks in addition to rights are relating to this moving painting for... I'd larn it if women were at to the lowest degree maxim that they were relating to the discrimination their mothers received inwards their generation but our electrical flow one???

6. [+95, -30] I went to encounter this alongside my girlfriend.. in addition to what I establish ridiculous was that nosotros were inwards an nurture alongside a woman parent in addition to her miss in addition to the woman parent asked her why she was crying field watching it. Then the miss replied that it's a moving painting that whatever adult woman could relate to. I would've understood if it was the woman parent who was crying but it seemed a fighting ridiculous to encounter the miss crying when she hasn't suffered whatever of that discrimination. It only seems similar people are trying to strength themselves to survive a victim inwards a narrative that isn't theirs. In the movie, I could perchance encounter the fearfulness of hidden cameras beingness something electrical flow women could relate to(?)

7. [+86, -24] Well, Yeeun would shout out tears of blood if she tried life every bit a man...

8. [+85, -23] I volition empathise 100 times over if married women were the ones relating to this moving painting but it's ever the younger feminists who grew upwardly receiving all sorts of benefits in addition to wealth. Have they ever tried raising children alongside both parents working jobs? Have they ever been discriminated at a project interview? Honestly, isn't it ridiculous that young, single celebrities are acting similar they relate to this plight at all?

9. [+72, -15] Yeeun's a illustration feminist amid celebrities

10. [+69, -15] Well I wonder how many tears were shed past times the victims of her father

11. [+63, -16] Was it truly necessary to shout out over this movie, though?? What an overreaction. Someone should larn brand a moving painting nearly Saudi women born inwards 1982. Unable to larn jobs, can't walk the streets without men, covered up...

12. [+45, -8] What a joke, this b*tch hasn't fifty-fifty had children or fifty-fifty gotten married in addition to therefore what is she relating to?


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