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Daesung's Controversial Edifice To Hold Out Demolished

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Article: Big Bang Daesung demolishes his edifice nether 'brothel controversy', volition last called inwards for investigations

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+2,603, -69] Thug acting innocent

2. [+2,409, -64] A devil alongside an ugly spud mask on ㅋ

3. [+2,050, -41] At this point, YG needs to last turned upside downwards alongside taxation investigations in addition to taken downwards equally a fellowship in addition to hence that they can't recover ever again. They're basically a gangster organization nether the guise equally an amusement company.

4. [+106, -7] One of the biggest misunderstandings that people conduct hold is that people who are ugly are also humble, kind, in addition to naive... in addition to that people who grew upwards inwards poverty or are uneducated are also innocent, which are both non ever the example ^^

5. [+93, -5] Daesung's in addition to hence dissimilar from the ikon nosotros saw on TV.. he meliorate non claim he didn't know close all this.

6. [+81, -8] Gotta kill people, gotta gear upwards novel brothels... what a busy life

7. [+73, -3] A mystery how he became an idol at all alongside that face

8. [+50, -3] Destroying evidence

9. [+44, -0] Meanwhile Burning Lord's Day Seungri is golfing inwards Jejudo correct now

10. [+41, -1] It's genuinely amazing how every creative someone inwards i amusement way is similar this


Source: Naver

1. [+166, -73] I don't intend the edifice possessor has anything to create alongside this... I've never seen a example where brothels were caught in addition to people blamed the edifice possessor for it.

2. [+147, -64] Please rest serenity if yous don't know what's going on; That edifice has already been searched in addition to confiscated in addition to 4-5 of the employment concern owners involved alongside the brothels conduct hold already been booked;; Don't write the article equally if he's demolishing the edifice to bury evidence. Daesung simply bought the edifice equally an investment earlier he enlisted in addition to left it to someone else to grapple for him;; Stop trying to dump this all on him exactly because he's a celebrity in addition to really human face at the facts.

3. [+111, -39] I don't know why the focus keeps beingness set on the edifice possessor Daesung.. why non the actual owners of the brothel?

4. [+79, -20] The brothel owners conduct hold already been investigated in addition to booked, cease using an innocent celebrity's cite exactly because he owns the building

5. [+73, -19] Why are people expecting the edifice possessor to assume responsibleness ? That's non where the focus should be.

6. [+27, -3] If illegal businesses were found, it's solely normal to boot them out. Why write articles equally if Daesung was the i running them himself?

7. [+23, -1] Focus on the brothel owners, non the edifice owner

8. [+28, -8] How was Daesung supposed to know close the brothels inwards a edifice that fifty-fifty the previous edifice possessor didn't know about? All he did was purchase it earlier enlisting correct away ㅋ Police should've been keeping scout tighter than this all this fourth dimension when they've known for years close these businesses. Instead, they took the chance when the celebrity was away inwards the regular army to brand him a target inwards the media.

9. [+21, -4] Look at all these YG staff inwards the comments ㅋㅋ You really intend Daesung bought this edifice without checking anything within of it??? How does that logically brand sense?? This isn't some edifice worth a buck or 2 ㅡㅡ

10. [+20, -3] The focus of the tidings should last on the owners of the brothel

11. [+13, -1] You pieces of human trash are really trying in addition to hence difficult to write supportive comments close him

12. [+9, -0] Are the brains of Big Bang fans exactly filled alongside zip but tofu similar their ain singers? How create they non empathise that celebrities are ever inwards the spotlight exactly for buying upwards buildings in addition to hence of course of study the focus is going to last on them equally good equally a indicate inwards law investigation when their ain edifice was caught alongside brothels. Furthermore, he's a fellow member of a grouping that has already been caught for drugs in addition to prostitution. How are yous fans really arguing that he shouldn't last the focus of law investigations? I don't larn what yous fifty-fifty encounter inwards a grouping similar this to throw all your morals in addition to ethics out the window exactly to back upwards them, tsk tsk.


Source: Naver\

1. [+784, -292] Do yous really intend he didn't kjnow? ㅋㅋ He's been inwards druggieYG for over 10 years, yous naive idiots

2. [+412, -119] Isn't it a practiced matter that he's taking the edifice down? And how is it normal that the edifice possessor is beingness asked to accept responsibleness for all of this?

3. [+287, -40] I am genuinely curious equally to how much a edifice possessor needs to involve himself alongside the businesses of his building. Even if he knew close the illegal materials going on, it's non similar he tin exactly cancel the contracts in addition to boot them out, no?

4. [+297, -85] Why is the edifice possessor taking responsibleness for this?

5. [+213, -24] Out of all the brothels that conduct hold been caught, I've never seen a example where the edifice possessor is the focus of it similar this. The people who owned the brothels should last the focus.

6. [+126, -8] The fact of the electrical flow province of affairs is that the law couldn't uncover whatsoever signs of prostitution in addition to and hence they never had to warning the edifice possessor of it either. The brothel owners all ran away in addition to it's exactly Daesung left to behavior the brunt of the focus.

7. [+89, -3] I jurist I should study all the karaokes who telephone phone girls into the rooms around my town too

8. [+115, -33] The brothels were already beingness run secretly earlier Daesung bought the edifice in addition to hence how was he supposed to know close all that? It's unfair to inquire him to accept responsibleness exactly because he's the possessor of the building.


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