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Goo Hara Discovered Dead Inwards Her Home

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Article: Police reps, "Goo Hara discovered dead inwards her home... currently nether investigation" [official]

Source: Sports Donga via Nate

1. [+2,713, -404] That pilus stylist guy is the culprit

2. [+2,419, -103] Hul.... I hope this is a faux written report ㅜㅜ

3. [+2,412, -202] Goo Hara nonetheless received loathe comments fifty-fifty though she was a victim of dating violence... It's non entirely the pilus stylist but you lot haters too

4. [+489, -4] She looked unstable already, in addition to I intend what happened to Sulli affected her deeply... this breaks my heart...

5. [+400, -3] You said you'd live on for Sulli ㅠㅠㅠ

6. [+348, -14] Is at that spot a betoken inwards blaming her ex?? The article virtually her latest Instagram postal service is already sum of loathe comments... It's entirely been a month, but a calendar month guys, since that happened..

7. [+340, -4] The difficulties of her lawsuit, the loathe comments, her friend leaving ㅠㅠㅠ I can't imagine the pain... delight balance peacefully inwards heaven

8. [+311, -4] We oftentimes intend that people who are equally rich equally Goo Hara couldn't peradventure possess got whatever pain... but to the dead, coin doesn't equal happiness

9. [+301, -17] Even that pilus stylist ba$tard is nonetheless alive, why would Goo Hara ㅜㅜㅜ

10. [+258, -2] Imagine how hard it was for her at her age... why non but retire in addition to live on happily... why such a drastic decision... what a shame


Source: Naver

1. [+26,588, -4,481] When Choi Jong Bum was threatening her amongst that hidden photographic goggle box camera video, practise you lot know what the existent fourth dimension searches were on Google? 'Goo Hara video' was #1. You guys are murderers. All you lot manful someone community sites that tried to acquire the video to share, this is what you've done. This is the reality for woman someone celebrities. While manful someone celebrities acquire shielded for the crimes they commit, woman someone celebrities are sexually harassed in addition to exiled from the manufacture over but 1 small-scale fry matter that someone didn't like.

2. [+16,821, -330] I would similar existent life names to live on used on the internet. I desire all devils to live on penalized.

3. [+10,160, -152] Please, you lot promised that you lot were going to live on hard for Sulli's sake

4. [+8,401, -1,571] This country, where a young, beautiful, rich, talented, wealthy celebrities commit suicide... this is a province where people loathe each other, are jealous, envious... some other identify called hell

5. [+4,922, -136] Praying that this is a faux report..

6. [+4,106, -600] Choi Jong Bum. And the Korean men who searched 'Goo Hara video'. You are the murderers. Don't dare blame this on feminists. You all deserve to die.

7. [+3,689, -228] This is conduct upward murder. The murderers are Choi Jong Bum in addition to the courtroom who ruled him innocent, the manful someone community members who giggled over their loathe comments. They all worked together to kill her. I wishing them all a pitiful life. Let's delight start making legal weather for loathe comments.

8. [+3,327 -106] The manful someone ba$tard who threatened her amongst a video needs to live on exiled for good

9. [+3,099, -78] The ba$tard who did this to her is living but fine, opening a novel salon in addition to everything later on the courtroom ruled him innocent. Who financially backed him? Goo Hara pose her celebrity career on the job for this lawsuit, in addition to I'll nonetheless never forget the twenty-four hours the tidings broke out, when her nightmare of an experience became the amusement of netizen men. It's hence disgusting. I really idea Goo Hara would die. I tried to defend her from existence ripped to shreds yesteryear all the giggling men who were trying to claim mistake on both parties, in addition to I'll never forget those comments. You men killed her.

10. [+3,002, -151] Her ex-boyfriend needs to live on heavily sentenced


Source: Nate

1. [+2,332, -43] Hara-ya, you lot said you'd live on for Sulli's sake ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

2. [+1,859, -40] So unfortunate at such a beautiful historic menses ㅠㅠ

3. [+1,741, -67] Hara-ya... this isn't right... you lot said you'd live on for Sulli... come upward on...

4. [+177, -10] I intend the pilus stylist is over 70% of the blame for Goo Hara's death. She already made a suicide endeavour much before than Sulli's death, but her managing director managed to relieve her early that time.

5. [+125, -1] People... if something is causing you lot difficulties to the betoken of death, delight quit whatever you're doing. There are hence many unlike ways of living on inwards this world. It doesn't possess got to come upward to this.

6. [+105, -8] I really desire to kill that pilus stylist

7. [+93, -1] I shout out back when she was moving on in addition to looking positive later on her scandal amongst her ex, Nate comments were ridiculing her, proverb she has a adept mental in addition to that existence a celebrity isn't for everyone... you lot but can't assist dogtizens, tsk tsk

8. [+65, -2] Her eyes await pitiful right away that I await at this

9. [+52, -2] Suicide seems to live on a disease... but something you lot snuff it from 1 day

10. [+40, -1] She grew upward poor, living inwards a relative's household when she was younger, which is why she tried hence hard to larn fiscal knowledge, in addition to purchase buildings... but her difficulties must've been hard plenty to desire to throw all of that away...


Source: Naver

1. [+3,494, -88] I shout out back when she was on Instalive.. to tell 1 concluding goodbye to Sulli... bespeak people non to worry virtually her. And people were nonetheless calling her an attending wh*re on the video. You are murderers.

2. [+1,059, -42] SNS comments demand to all live on deleted. If you're going to continue anonymity on the internet, in addition to hence legal repercussions for loathe comments demand to acquire stronger.

3. [+860, -24] A someone has died, in addition to yet the comments are nonetheless sum of trash...

4. [+593, -26] Yes, it's been hard for her... I empathize where her view must've been... but if entirely she lived a fleck longer...

5. [+535, -17] So her ex got ruled innocent fifty-fifty though he compaction her in addition to threatened to unloose a video amongst her spell Goo Hara has committed suicide... I nonetheless can't forget seeing Goo Hara begging Choi Jong Bum inwards the bring upward to non unloose the video.

6. [+331, -6] The people to blame are Choi Jong Bum in addition to Judge Oh Duk Shik. May she balance inwards peace.

7. [+258, -5] It makes me tear upward to shout out back Goo Hara on her knees inwards the elevator, begging Choi Jong Bum non to unloose the video...

8. [+163, -4] I'm starting to miss the one-time days when at that spot weren't fifty-fifty network comments, when people didn't possess got cellphones, permit lone pagers, in addition to nosotros all had to stand upward inwards job at the populace telephone to brand a call...


Source: Naver

1. [+2,323, -84] Choi Jong Bum, Oh Duk Shik, Lee Eon Hak

2. [+1,481, -38] No.. Hara-ya.. you lot said you'd live on for Sulli.. why.. but why..

3. [+1,379, -61] So but because her ex never released the video, that makes him innocent? Even if the video was filmed nether both of their consent, the infinitesimal he turns unopen to in addition to threatens her amongst it, that video becomes revenge p*rno. Male community sites kept having 'Goo Hara s*x video' on their related search rankings, in addition to all you lot had to practise was possess got 1 await at the comments on Facebook to run into all the disgusting things they were proverb virtually her. The bulk of women kept trying to defend her, proverb she's a victim of revenge p*rno. I'm non trying to plough this into a gender war... I'm but trying to betoken out that the blame inwards this example is but hence clear. Men who are hence intent on finding videos every fourth dimension this happens to a woman someone celebrity demand to reflect.

4. [+1,316, -34] The people who've already attempted it in 1 trial are the most dangerous... because they already know that it's non a large bargain to brand the conclusion to destination your life

5. [+541, -10] I hope the pilus stylist volition exhibit himself burning the master re-create of the video in addition to begging for forgiveness. It's non 100% his mistake but I practise believe that he had blame behind the decision. We all objectively experience that. Please shipping her off to sky the correct way.

6. [+342, -8] I don't know virtually Sulli but I know for sure that Goo Hara's ex in addition to his threats virtually their video were the culprits behind her death

7. [+321, -27] Taeyeon... IU... I pray that you lot won't permit your mental live on affected yesteryear this ㅜㅜ

8. [+292, -7] Choi Jong Bum, you lot demand to reverberate for the balance of your life for threatening her amongst that video


Article: Ex-boyfriend Choi Jong Bum sets SNS to individual on tidings of Goo Hara's death

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+1,957, -146] Dad! How come upward when I search your name, a celebrity ajumma's bring upward comes up? Dad, did you lot really threaten someone amongst a s*x video in addition to brand them die?? - Words yesteryear someone's missy inwards the yr 2034

2. [+1,735, -53] I don't intend he tin live on inwards Korea amongst his human face upward showing on the streets anymore. He but mightiness live on striking inwards the caput amongst a brick 1 day.

3. [+1,634, -40] Where did he honor the fourth dimension to laid it to private?

4. [+199, -5] He had a lot to practise amongst her death. What a pitiable coward... Hara plainly had a harder fourth dimension amongst this scandal than him. He improve live on the balance of his life reflecting. Depression is such a scary disease... in addition to comments demand to live on laid to live on used amongst existent life names.

5. [+194, -5] It gives me goosebumps to shout out back how active he was on SNS fifty-fifty during Goo Hara's get-go suicide attempt

6. [+170, -4] He volition deserve whatever he gets from right away on. When Goo Hara was on her knees inwards the elevator, he was busy checking his scratch on the mirror... When Goo Hara was inwards a telephone telephone amongst his junior, he was sending an 8 mo video to himself ㅋㅋㅋ Jong Bum-ah, you lot killed her. Choi Jong Bum.

7. [+147, -4] I really practise intend her ex is the biggest blame.. Yes, she had loathe comments before him, but Goo Hara basically became bait to the populace later on the scandal amongst him. It had a lot to practise amongst the ex lying to the populace in addition to turning the populace against her. She suffered through comments that most women inwards their twenties but wouldn't live on able to handle. May she balance inwards peace...

8. [+137, -2] Aigoo, you lot ba$tard... setting it to individual because he's afraid of getting loathe ㅡㅡ

9. [+122, -5] He's the 1 at fault, why is it Goo Hara who had to die...

10. [+105, -3] I genuinely hope that he lives a life of reaping what he sows


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