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Mnet Decides To Describe X1 Together With Iz*One From The Mama Line-Up

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Article: Mnet reps, "We are confirming that X1 in addition to IZ*ONE volition non endure assist the MAMA... nosotros apologize for the disturbance"

Source: Sports Donga via Nate

1. [+952, -14] The number isn't close taking them out of the line-up but canceling the entire MAMA programme itself, no?

2. [+899, -12] MAMA should only endure canceled

3. [+689, -8] So what are they planning to produce amongst the groups? They should either disband them or proceed promoting them, shouldn't a determination endure made instead of leaving them inwards the cupboard?

4. [+38, -1] And yet they're shamelessly going to proceed amongst the MAMA?? ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+33, -0] The alone disturbance hither is that the MAMA is however going on. It should endure canceled.

6. [+27, -3] Why are the kids taking the consequences?? CJ in addition to Mnet should non endure belongings this at all.

7. [+27, -2] So shameless of them. Their entire channel should endure taken downwards given their rails tape of audition shows similar 'Idol School' too.

8. [+25, -2] So CJ in addition to Mnet commit the crimes but X1 in addition to IZ*ONE are the ones who pay the price. I gauge fans can't produce anything but cry.


Source: Naver

1. [+3,328, -79] CJ in addition to their agencies haven't discover a tilt inwards xx days spell their fans are in that place beingness attacked in addition to having mental breakdowns

2. [+3,161, -454] No but Mnet's the 1 that committed the criminal offence thence shouldn't they endure canceling MAMA altogether? Why are X1 in addition to IZ*ONE getting the shaft?

3. [+2,248, -164] What "disturbance" did the groups cause? You guys are the ones who caused it in addition to forthwith you're using them equally shields to proceed on amongst MAMA.

4. [+1,502, -69] Stop hiding behind the kids in addition to number a proper apology.. what's the indicate inwards keeping all of them without doing anything? The guy who was arrested volition larn through the legal arrangement anyway.

5. [+1,087, -135] These misfortunate kids taking the consequences

6. [+486, -12] The fact that Mnet is continuing amongst MAMA but only taking the kids out of the line-up way that they however aren't acknowledging their mistakes in addition to are choosing to enshroud behind the kids. They should endure sorry. Please goal harming the kids whatever to a greater extent than than they receive got been harmed.

7. [+377, -10] Shouldn't the entire ceremony endure canceled?

8. [+401, -39] Why are AB6IX, Kang Daniel, in addition to Chungha inwards the line-up then? The seasons were confirmed to endure rigged but it's non similar it's been revealed which of the members were involved inwards that yet... This is such a hopeless treatment of events. MAMA itself should endure canceled, it's unfair to ban to a greater extent than or less kids from the exhibit spell letting others on when all 4 seasons of the exhibit were said to endure rigged...


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