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Police Respect Goo Hara's Memo, Identify Unit Of Measurement Decides Non To Create An Autopsy

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Article: Goo Hara left a memo expressing pessimism nearly personal affairs... "no prove of murder" no autopsy volition last performed

Source: News 1 via Nate

1. [+772, -12] I promise the path she leaves on is comfortable, for every bit much every bit she was hurting... Hara, dream well, slumber well.. may she residue inward peace

2. [+649, -14] Please residue inward peace

3. [+614, -8] Aigoo, a funeral portrait at such a beautiful age... thus unfortunate... residue inward peace

4. [+47, -3] The "good night" she wrote on her Instagram caption must've been meant for herself. I felt a chip uneasy when I read that nether her moving painting a few days ago... Hara-ya, slumber well...

5. [+43, -1] Don't hold back back, don't convey whatever regrets, piece of job out amongst no burdens... too residue peacefully too freely where y'all are

6. [+35, -36] I wishing they revealed at to the lowest degree a share of her will. Unless she specifically said non to, I wishing they'd issue it. It might've been a message to the public.

7. [+25, -2] Please last at peace now...

8. [+23, -2] Not fifty-fifty thirty years old, such a immature bloom wilted also early.. farewell.. too last happy there..


Source: Naver

1. [+1,545, -12] Nay she residue inward peace

2. [+791, -5] To her family, getting an autospy done is in all likelihood only going to wound them fifty-fifty more. Hara-ssi, delight residue peacefully inward heaven. I promise y'all volition last happy.

3. [+519, -9] Apparently the courtroom watched her video inward question. That's thus shocking... I instruct that the courtroom was individual but did non they of the humiliation she would feel? How is it non obvious what his intentions were when he threatened her amongst the video? Did they convey to sentinel the video itself to hit upwards one's heed if it was blackmail or not?

4. [+485, -16] Her funeral portrait is thus pretty, it breaks my ticker ㅠㅠ

5. [+235, -4] Breaks my heart... delight last happy there

6. [+204, -10] Hara-ssi... don't wound where y'all are, don't experience whatever pain, only peace.. breaks my heart.. ㅜㅜ

7. [+113, -14] Korea, the province where criminals similar Choi Jong Bum who commit dating violence, hidden cameras, too drunkard driving are ruled every bit innocent, the province of women haters

8. [+65, -0] So Judge Oh Duk Shik is the human being who gave Choi Jong Bum probation, right? Choi Jong Bum fifty-fifty celebrated past times throwing a political party too opening a novel pilus salon inward May. That's when Hara attempted her start suicide... People are thus cruel.


Source: Nate

1. [+1,064, -28] I can't believe it

2. [+864, -20] Ah... my heart.. ㅠㅠ

3. [+683, -15] Ah  ㅠㅠ

4. [+76, -2] That trash of a pilus stylist ruined a life. He's thus terrible.

5. [+69, -3] For about strange reason, it's harder for me to believe this than when Sulli happened. Or perhaps I'm becoming numb to death...

6. [+57, -1] Sulli was shocking but Goo Hara is unbelievable. The fact that she attempted it already in i trial must hateful that things got fifty-fifty harder for her since then. I was surprised at how many comments defendant her of putting on a present after her start attempt, too I promise karma gets dorsum at all of them. For someone similar Hara who came dorsum from the brink of death, those words must've wound her thus much. Choi Jong Bum, you're zip but a criminal who deserves to last ripped to shreds. You committed a criminal offense against a woman somebody idol's life that can't last forgiven.

7. [+56, -1] I can't believe it. The fact that her immature appear upwards is inward that funeral portrait.

8. [+36, -2] Ah, if entirely she never met that pilus stylist ㅜ everything went downhill from at that topographic point ㅜ


Article: A hold back at Choi Jong Bum's pilus salon 

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

1. [+5,036, -212] He meliorate never instruct married or convey whatever kids. He volition entirely last creating to a greater extent than sacrifices to endure at the hands of his karma.

2. [+4,164, -168] I retrieve he pressed similar on a comment hating on Goo Hara concluding fourth dimension too straight off he's cowardly too scared thus he close downwards his Instagram delineate of piece of job concern human relationship after she died, tsk

3. [+3,567, -158] How does he slumber at night?

4. [+316, -8] He threatened her maxim "I'm going to brand certain your celebrity life is over", he meliorate alive the residue of his life similar it's jail

5. [+276, -23] Not entirely is Choi Jong Bum the consequence but all the men who went crazy trying to encounter the video too. Those men volition never last able to instruct married too convey kids inward this lifetime.

6. [+206, -9] Are at that topographic point whatever fools who truly become to this salon???

7. [+165, -12] Seeing every bit how he's close everything down, he must last scared, right? Carry this inward your ticker for the residue of your life thus y'all empathise the gravity of what you've done.

8. [+144, -11] He'll in all likelihood human action similar he's reflecting earlier quietly re-opening his salon later


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