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Politicians See Constabulary To Ban Celebrities Amongst Criminal History From Tv

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Article: Revision to broadcast laws to ban celebrities alongside criminal history nether controversy

Source: Star Today via Nate

1. [+404, -8] Then apply the same constabulary to politicians too

2. [+320, -12] Politicians should showtime past times firing all of their ain people alongside criminal histories earlier sticking their olfactory organ anywhere else

3. [+193, -16] Why would this hold upwardly controversial? I intend it's perfectly normal

4. [+22, -2] I'm inward consummate back upwardly of this, I promise this constabulary passes

5. [+21, -2] Even non-celebrities fighting alongside work if they possess got a criminal record, the same standards should hold upwardly applied to celebrities together with politicians too

6. [+20, -4] But it makes sense

7. [+16, -2] Then add together politicians too

8. [+12, -7] Why is Lee Soo Geun's flick the alone 1 beingness used for these articles? He's non the alone celebrity alongside a criminal past.

9. [+8, -2] I back upwardly this

10. [+5, -0] Not having a criminal history should hold upwardly the norm. The fact that this is considered controversial must hateful in that place are a lot of celebrities alongside such histories? And if so, together with hence that's the existent job here.

11. [+5, -0] It should've been this agency from the start, this constabulary is beingness talked most agency likewise late. How tin yous possess got criminals on TV??? And yes, apply this to politicians together with world service jobs every bit well.

12. [+4, -0] I doubtfulness this volition perish passed because in that place are elements of it that violate the constitution alongside legal principles similar retroactivity together with double jeopardy. A celebrity's labor is basically upwardly at stake alongside whether viewers desire to come across them or not. It doesn't brand feel to legally cutting their jobs off.


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