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Cha Eunwoo Wins An Excellence Accolade At The '2019 Mbc Drama Awards'

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Article: 'Excellence Award' Cha Eunwoo, "I felt how much I was lacking through 'Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung'... I hope to grow" [2019 MBC Drama Awards]

Source: MK Sports via Naver

1. [+2,255, -607] Excellence award? For a drama that he got sort inwards every bit a vocalizer merely for beingness handsome? There are thus many people who accept been acting for twenty years in addition to never got to win this respect but he's won it later on merely 1 drama. Is that luck or rigged? Was his acting genuinely 'excellent'?

2. [+1,244, -423] The excellence respect that viewers chose was Kim Jun Han, non Cha Eunwoo. Does MBC non tending anymore???

3. [+876, -407] He won an excellence respect amongst that acting? ㅋㅋ At to the lowest degree he knows that he's bad.. There are roughly actors who outset off bad in addition to eventually amend amongst to a greater extent than work.

4. [+537, -243] Cha Eunwoo suffered a lot shooting a historical drama inwards the middle of summertime ㅠㅠ His respect spoken language was good said, he's the best. His increment every bit Yirim left an impression on me.

5. [+649, -362] He suffered this summertime shooting 'Goo Hae-ryung'. I could encounter his efforts inwards trying to deliver his grapheme every bit Yirim. I'm thus happy he won an respect for a drama that I laughed in addition to cried amongst him in. Cha Eunwoo, congratulations♥️


Source: Nate

1. [+222, -17] Even the way he turns his head, he looks similar roughly broken fan amongst how awkward it looks. It's amazing how his crappy acting in addition to lack of whatsoever star potential withal managed to win an award, in addition to amongst pitiable viewer ratings to kicking ㅋㅋ If a woman individual celebrity had won an respect similar this, people would live on wondering who her sponsor is ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+215, -19] I'm a woman. Cha Eunwoo's way seems to intend that all women volition forgive anything he does merely because of his handsome human face upward but I personally am non a fan of someone who can't create their job. He's merely a blossom amongst no scent, no talent

3. [+198, -15] Cha Eunwoo has no talent or star potential, his drama kept dropping inwards viewer ratings until his bad acting eventually led it to crash at 3% thus what is this award?

4. [+39, -0] Huh?? Not fifty-fifty a rookie respect but demand to an excellence?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Looks similar he'll live on winning transcend excellence side past times side yr then

5. [+36, -0] Huh..? Cha Eunwoo won excellence...? What...?

6. [+29, -1] This is going overboard

7. [+22, -0] Hul ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+21, -0] I actually idea Kim Jun Han would win this...

9. [+20, -1] Is he non fifty-fifty sorry? This is merely every bit shocking every bit when Suzy won transcend excellence for 'Medical Book Gu'. Having a pretty human face upward isn't all at that spot is, you lot know that, right? At to the lowest degree 'Medical Book Gu' had high viewer ratings. I would sympathize if he won a popularity respect since fans would vote for him based on his handsome human face upward but you lot don't human activeness amongst your human face upward alone... in addition to anyone could say that his acting was merely non it...

10. [+19, -0] It must suck for the actors who worked from the bottom upward ㅋㅋ What's the betoken inwards working thus difficult on your acting when idols are winning it all amongst their crappy actingㅠ tsk tsk


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