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Hwang Jung Eum Denies Plastic Operation Rumors As Well As Threatens Legal Activity Against Comments

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Article: Hwang Jung Eum, no contestation on plastic surgical physical care for -> sum denial "I volition live taking legal activity on abhor comments"

Source: Sports Donga via Naver

1. [+11,439, -371] It's funny that people are giving her crap most plastic surgical physical care for exactly every bit good funny that she's suing them over it ㅋㅋ what a mess of a province ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+7,107, -1,541] Does she intend that people suspecting she's had function done is or hence deed of ridicule against her? Why live a celebrity if yous can't grip comments similar that? Does she intend you're solely supposed to have positive spotlight? Does she intend she's hence especial in addition to inwards a higher house it all? ㅋㅋ She's non fifty-fifty considered the seat off of her ain manufacture ㅋ

3. [+5,307, -1,283] What is going on alongside her face

4. [+3,474, -97] Don't move out her whatever abhor comments. Whether she's cutting upwardly her facial expression upwardly or sawing it off, she's doing it alongside her ain coin hence lay off.

5. [+3,415, -321] She totally got function done, though

6. [+1,585, -78] Celebrities visit anything a abhor comment nowadays, every bit long every bit it pisses them off ㅋㅋ

7. [+1,444, -30] But is proverb "I intend she got function done" a abhor comment...

8. [+1,339, -31] She's actually trying to claim that that facial expression upwardly did non larn anything done? And she's threatening to sue anyone who claims otherwise?? She's earthworks her ain grave, tsk tsk. You tin forcefulness out search her by photos on Naver in addition to come upwardly up alongside hundreds of results already.

9. [+979, -44] If yous actually didn't larn function done, in addition to hence sue the haters. But if yous did, yous deserve to larn to jail every bit well.

10. [+961, -32] Is this actually something to live threatening lawsuits over? Hilarious, she has such a big caput now.


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