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Mc Mong Accuses Fan Of Beingness An Anti Inwards His Comments

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Article: "Are you lot an anti?" All eyes on MC Mong's reply to a fan

Source: SBS via Nate

MC Mong asked on his Instagram virtually beingness invited to an accolade ceremony in addition to if he should attend. One fan responded, "I don't recollect you lot should go", to which he responded, "Are you lot an anti? ㅋㅋ"

1. [+6,855, -57] His truthful colors demo upward therefore fast, right? What did I say you, human beings are non meant to move fixed.

2. [+6,543, -48] He's the 1 who asked his fans if he should instruct therefore why is he accusing 1 of beingness an anti for giving his consider ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ is he 1 of those idiots who enquire questions in addition to alone expecting to take away heed the reply they want? He has a lot to a greater extent than reflecting to do.

3. [+413, -0] The amazing science of turning fifty-fifty a fan into an anti...

4. [+406, -1] He in all likelihood wanted fans to move similar "you should attend " only they didn't therefore he's pissed ㅋㅋ

5. [+332, -0] So proficient to come across him every bit consistent every bit ever

6. [+313, -0] No affair how difficult you lot endeavor to shroud your truthful colors, they're leap to demo somewhere

7. [+290, -0] If that comment was written yesteryear a truthful fan who actually wished he wouldn't attend because he didn't desire him to instruct to a greater extent than abhor at a world event... in addition to then imagine how wound the fan must experience correct straightaway to have that sort of reply from him. This guy has no teeth, no shame, no character, nil inwards his brain... sigh...

8. [+255, -2] Why'd he bother bespeak then?

9. [+245, -1] What else would you lot hold off from this thug ㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+195, -1] Why'd he enquire ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ what's incorrect alongside him ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

11. [+101, -1] He should move grateful he has fans left at all who are withal willing to operate out him comments. Even intend words are wasted on this ba$tard...

12. [+57, -0] It's quite obvious the comment was written yesteryear a fan. It's non similar they wrote "no, don't go", they wrote quite respectfully, "I don't recollect you lot should go", in addition to yet this guy is accusing him of beingness an anti ㅋㅋㅋ his truthful colors correct in that place ㅋㅋ


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