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Sbs Issues Apology For Wendy's Autumn At The '2019 Sbs Gayo Daejun'

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Article: SBS reps, "We sincerely apologize to Wendy... nosotros receive got begun investigations on the accident"

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+548, -14] No affair what anyone says, it's Wendy who's going through the most hard together with painful fourth dimension correct now. I promise she gets meliorate soon.

2. [+448, -11] They retrieve they tin give the axe larn away amongst an apology ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ f*ck

3. [+385, -8] These SBS f*cks demand to close their music programs down. What was upward amongst the audio quality? And you lot telephone band inward these idols but to larn them injured, too.

4. [+34, -2] She could've died, you lot know that, right? And you're trying to destination it all amongst an apology letter? Why should Wendy's reps live on the i responsible for her suffering? Can you lot imagine the hurting of falling from 3m upward high?

5. [+26, -1] Pelvic fractures are serious business

6. [+21, -0] I back upward SM filing a case against them. They meliorate rip off every bit much compensation every bit they can.

7. [+20, -1] SBS' get-go work was hosting it at the Gocheok dome. The dome itself is non a proper environs for concerts. All it has is a large phase but the audio organisation is crap together with cameras are forced to zoom out to capture it all. Since the dome is together with therefore big, staff also can't communicate amongst i some other properly. SBS shouldn't receive got been together with therefore greedy together with but held it somewhere smaller similar KBS together with MBC.

8. [+19, -4] Only now? Why is it that SBS is ever testing Blue Planet earlier putting a disceptation out? ㅋ If they had but release a construct clean apology correct away, it wouldn't receive got gotten this bad.

9. [+16, -1] They're entirely issuing an apology at all because she's an idol from a huge company... I bet they would've ignored this final result altogether if the idol had been from a mid to smaller company...

10. [+16, -5] Will an apology live on plenty for an final result where her life was at stake?


Source: Naver

1. [+3,371, -24] If they had apologized from the start, people wouldn't live on this mad correct now. Even if it's late, I promise SBS is doing all they tin give the axe to handgrip this properly together with are planning on compensating Wendy for it.

2. [+1,584, -36] Sounds similar they're beating to a greater extent than or less the bush on the specifics of the accident because they don't desire this getting to a greater extent than controversial. They're together with therefore cowardly.

3. [+1,309, -15] It's obvious what their "investigations" are going to say... they'll in all probability blame it on some tertiary political party issue...

4. [+726, -14] SBS is leaving out whatsoever hint of blame on themselves

5. [+452, -12] So damn belatedly amongst this apology...

6. [+181, -5] They're entirely apologizing because she's a transcend idol nether SM. This would've been quietly buried if it was someone else.

7. [+111, -1] Ridiculous that they're posting this a solar daytime later. And why no discussion on the specifics of the accident? A facial injury is already huge for an actively promoting idol but the aftermath of pelvic fractures tin give the axe concluding for together with therefore much longer than but the handling itself. SBS needs to brand certain they receive got responsibleness until the really end, including the trauma together with emotional suffering Wendy mightiness larn through, every bit good every bit how this volition impact Red Velvet every bit a group.

8. [+88, -3] I'll live on boycotting SBS the infinitesimal I come across them endeavour to blame this on some kid staff or a tertiary political party company. SBS, delight exhibit us that you lot tin give the axe live on responsible.


Article: "No markings inward sight" The effort of Wendy's 2.5m fall

Source: Dispatch via Nate

1. [+1,926, -14] SBS' error from earlier together with after the accident..

2. [+1,852, -15] 2.5m is actually high...

3. [+1,372, -11] What practise you lot aspect from the f*ckers at SBS

4. [+156, -2] Apparently her injuries are swollen together with therefore hard that they can't fifty-fifty diagnose her properly at this point. Imagine injuring a woman someone idol to the betoken where her cheekbone, pelvis, together with wrist are fractured... that's totally setting open fire to her career's future. It's similar quest someone to larn through a nighttime tunnel without putting a lite at the destination of it. Did SBS actually intend to ship someone to the grave amongst this laid up?????? SM together with her parents meliorate file a case together with larn compensated for this.

5. [+117, -2] So glad she's alive... that looks to at to the lowest degree live on 3m. If she had injured anywhere nigh her spine, she could live on paralyzed correct now. Wendy's parents, delight sue them.


Source: Naver

1. [+8,257, -34] SBS, you lot meliorate non live on thinking of pushing the blame to someone else together with apologize for this

2. [+4,367, -23] Even now, I bet SBS is trying to notice a scapegoat to blame this on... Even earlier Wendy got on stage, other singers champaign expressed concern over the phase equipment together with nonetheless SBS ignored them all together with kept going.

3. [+3,528, -25] Wow.. 2.5m, is SBS crazy? That's super dangerous. And nonetheless they took all that fourth dimension amongst their apology, tsk tsk.

4. [+2,331, -14] So in that place wasn't whatsoever mark record to guide her either?

5. [+2,174, -15] Just thinking most this to a greater extent than makes me realize how much of a mess everything is, it makes me swear... delight receive got some shame together with compensate her for this.


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