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Actress Jang Mi Inwards Ae Publicly Outs A 'Sponsor Offer' Dm

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Article: "F*ck off, idiot" Jang Mi In Ae publicly attacks broker "I'll connect you lot alongside a wealthy sponsor"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

"Hello, I am an agent who plant alongside wealthy individuals inwards connecting them alongside sponsors. I apologize for the abrut message only nosotros possess got a customer who is interested inwards you lot together with am reaching out to you lot nearly it. Please reply to us afterwards thinking nearly it together with I volition furnish you lot alongside the details."

1. [+1,685, -111] It's non exclusively celebrities who choke sponsor offers, a lot of regular women choke them likewise ㅋㅋ

2. [+1,352, -278] She's acting similar she doesn't partake inwards this stuff...

3. [+1,076, -108] Propofol

4. [+131, -3] This sounds to a greater extent than similar someone's playing a joke on her... because I would intend that the genuinely wealthy possess got their ain connections inwards getting to reckon people. Why publicly through SNS??

5. [+126, -17] There are very a lot of scams related to this only hold off at her feeling all smug because she thinks it's existent ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ why would a wealthy human being desire you lot ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+106, -1] I don't intend it's a existent sponsor. Probably i of those scams where they blackmail you lot if you lot reply alongside interest.

7. [+88, -9] She's clearly sharing this to experience smug nearly it ㅋㅋ embarrassing. Even non-celebrities choke scam messages similar this.

8. [+60, -12] It seems similar the message was sent equally a joke... why would she publicly part it... does she desire to experience important? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+53, -2] True sponsors volition never DM you lot through SNS ^^

10. [+26, -8] It must last truthful that celebrities choke sponsor offers all the time.. how tin they resist the temptation? Unless you're originally from a super rich family..


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