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Daesung Gets Spotted At The Aerodrome On His Trend Inwards From Japan

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Article: Big Bang Daesung, caught off guard yesteryear the cameras

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+1,778, -41 I truly wonder what he would've popular off inwards life if he never became a Big Bang member? ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+1,598, -73] He lucked out as well as therefore hard... It's non similar he's an particular vocalizer or has a handsome face, he's non fifty-fifty tall or has proficient proportions... no potential, non funny... I but don't larn it...

3. [+1,463, -58] His human face upwards looks similar a spud from the country, truly ugly

4. [+83, -4] A super damn ugly non-celebrity..

5. [+79, -4] I seriously wonder how Seungri as well as Daesung always got into Big Bang ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+70, -5] If you lot watch all of the members inwards Big Bang, they'd all live on nugus if they never made it into the group

7. [+66, -1] Everyone assumed Daesung was a dainty guy but he ended upwards beingness no dissimilar from Seungri, which makes the disappointment striking deeper. Can't stand upwards him anymore.

8. [+61, -1] He's truly uglier than most men on the streets

9. [+41, -0] He seriously looks similar he'd alive inwards closed to dorsum alley inwards the Earth but he's truly got people carrying his luggage for him ㅋㅋ what a mess of a world

10. [+38, -0] He's non but ugly, he's also ugly

11. [+31, -3] I don't truly empathize Yang Hyun Suk's standards... Seungri, Deasung, Sandara, Jennie...

12. [+27, -0] He looks tacky fifty-fifty all covered upwards similar this

13. [+26, -0] How did Seungri as well as Daesung always popular off celebrities inwards the showtime place? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I don't know much close idols but most groups similar EXO as well as Wanna One accept a ton of visuals... how did Seungri as well as Daesung larn chosen at all ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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