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Exo Fans Set Upwards Led Advertizing Inwards Front End Of Sm Edifice Demanding Chen To Leave

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Article: [Exclusive] Some EXO fans set upwards LED advertizement close SM edifice demanding Chen to function out the group

Source: Sports World via Nate

1. [+1,998, -171] Who would fangirl for a married idol alongside a babe of his own? It's obvious his fans don't desire it hence it's amazing that he's even hence hanging on similar this...

2. [+1,804, -97] Fans who plow against yous are the scariest..

3. [+1,554, -77] Fans are hence scary together with stubborn i time they plow against you

4. [+106, -21] Fans receive got known almost his girl for years now. They're non acting similar this precisely because he's getting married. The world loves making fans out to await similar they're crazy obsessed alongside these idols together with inward a delusional human relationship alongside them but if that was true, hence they would've been upwards inward arms when they establish out almost his girl inward the commencement house years ago. They knew it all together with even hence supported him. It wasn't until he decided to get hitched alongside her afterwards getting her important that they're pissed ㅋㅋ Sure, get hitched alongside her if yous want, but produce it afterwards yous function out the group. EXO was never a grouping inward the minds of fans alongside an picture of a 'married-dol'.

5. [+91, -9] He's hence stubborn, he precisely refuses to function out ㅋㅋ He's going ot receive got a babe soon, he should survive focusing on his novel family.. who would desire to fangirl around married man? ㅋㅋ

6. [+65, -10] Quite brave of him to fifty-fifty remain tranquillity for this long when it feels similar it's been a piece since his hymeneals announcement

7. [+61, -7] Go solo piece raising your small-scale fry yous don't fit EXO anymore... you've made plenty coin ^^

8. [+48, -1] Why is SM taking hence long?

9. [+47, -9] Fans are non doing this because he's getting married hence larn your facts right away earlier yous abhor on us. He should've taken his human relationship alongside her world from the start. Instead, he hid her pregnancy, hid plans of rtheir marriage, together with issue a solo together with attended all the year-end concerts, acting similar he had cypher but his fans left. Then he dropped a bomb. Does he non realize that fans are at that topographic point to purchase into an idol's youthful energy? Their talent? Their youth? None of that fits the picture of a married homo alongside a kid. If he got her important together with decided on marriage, hence he needs to rank upwards seat inward the group. It's unfair that he gets to disrespect the other members together with remain for the money.

10. [+39, -10] Some of yous idiots are precisely non getting it. If he was solo, no i would assist if he got married or had a small-scale fry since it entirely affects him. However, he's a fellow member of a group, together with hence far, all he's done is issue a postal service proverb she's vii months pre-marital important together with went radio silent. Now EXO's existence called 'married-dols' together with existence teased for non using c*ndoms, together with the other members are the butt of jokes of who's going to survive the adjacent father. Do yous actually intend fans volition set upwards alongside that?


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