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Fans Demo Mixed Reactions To Chen's Marriage News

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Article: "A approbation has constitute us" EXO Chen's marriage statement + pre-marital pregnancy -> fans congratulate vs mutual frigidity reactions

Source: Sports Donga via Naver

1. [+5,110, -60] Sunye in addition to Yulhee got a ton of loathe for negatively impacting their groups in addition to yet Chen's beingness lauded for beingness cool in addition to responsible ㅋㅋ He's solely doing what he should move doing

2. [+3,150, -334] He's costless to larn married or conduct maintain a nipper if he wants. However, EXO's picture is non at the signal where they tin give the axe handgrip a fellow member beingness a father. They're non similar Super Junior where all the members conduct maintain already served inwards the regular army in addition to everyone's onetime plenty where they tin give the axe joke close who's getting married side past times side on multifariousness shows. This volition negatively acquit on the other EXO members inwards huge ways. Furthermore, the idol manufacture is reliant on fans equally consumers. Idols are the products in addition to fans are the consumers. Consumers conduct maintain a correct to know the specifics of their products. He should've told fans earlier all the concerts, individual, in addition to grouping promos that he's going to move a married homo in addition to begetter soon. It's unfair to solely tell them later on he's finished all the concerts in addition to promos.

3. [+2,188, -181] Is he non deplorable at all?

4. [+1,643, -137] Is he sane? ㅋㅋ What's EXO supposed to produce amongst this? How is this responsible at all? ㅋㅋ

5. [+1,135, -84] I'll congratulate him but I won't back upwards him

6. [+758, -16] If he was genuinely responsible, he would've used protection

7. [+654, -25] His picture has ever been the innocent, naive type thence for him to skip all the dating rumors in addition to become direct to marriage in addition to pregnancy intelligence is really random... I'm non fifty-fifty a fan in addition to fifty-fifty I went "huh?" thence I tin give the axe imagine it must experience similar lightning out of the heaven for his fans...; He's deserving of blessings but merely equally deserving of criticisms equally well.

8. [+474, -9] I'll never sympathize the connector fans experience for their idols but I produce know that idols abuse that connector to brand to a greater extent than coin for themselves than whatever other type of vocalist ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's unfair to bill fans who experience betrayed for "not beingness a existent fan"

9. [+451, -13] This is quite a legendary idol scandal. It's non really fair to tell that what he's doing tin give the axe move excused because whatever normal 29 twelvemonth onetime homo would move getting married in addition to starting a family. The affair is, you lot shouldn't move comparison a normal 29 twelvemonth onetime homo to a 29 twelvemonth onetime overstep celebrity. EXO has non completed their regular army service similar Shinhwa in addition to Super Junior. They're non at the historic menstruum where matrimony is normal. At their popularity, they even thence conduct maintain a ton of fourth dimension left to move communicating amongst their fans. If Chen continues promoting similar this, EXO's picture is going to plough into 'married man' or 'father' group. There are already a lot of fans who conduct maintain left the fandom because of this thence how tin give the axe you lot ever claim that this won't acquit on the grouping negatively at all?

10. [+472, -39] Don't dump this on EXO, he needs to larn out the grouping in addition to become alive equally Kim Jongae or become solo ^^

11. [+431, -2] Please halt proverb foolish things similar "it's cool that he's taking responsibility". It's what he should move doing in addition to it's weird that you lot mean value he's cool for doing it.

12. [+418, -11] What does he hateful past times "blessing has constitute us" ㅋㅋ you lot made that babe yourself, you lot voluntarily made that baby. Of course of didactics you lot should conduct maintain responsibleness for it, what's thence cool close that? ㅋㅋ What would really move cool if you lot took responsibleness for the remaining 8 members whose picture you lot ruined ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

13. [+382, -22] Would it conduct maintain pained him to include 1 "sorry" inwards the missive of the alphabet at all? Fans were doing you lot a favor past times staying placidity whenever your girl made it thence obvious on Instagram in addition to you lot were spotted years agone finding a marriage ring. Did you lot mean value that fans were shielding you lot then? And when you lot won daesang at the Golden Disk in addition to glared at your ain fans because you lot were caught on a engagement the nighttime before, your rotten facial appear equally you lot cutting your spoken language short... fans even thence kept placidity for you. I can't sympathize this one, though. Do you lot fifty-fifty know your ain members' birthdays? It was DO's birthday the twenty-four hours before, in addition to it's Kai's birthday today. Did you lot really conduct maintain to denote this correct betwixt then? The other members all banking concern agree their SNS. You're the solely 1 who doesn't look. Do you lot know that 'Kim Jongdae larn out the group' is trending on the search rankings? Do you lot know that all your fanpages are closing down?

14. [+302, -17] Of course of didactics fans are beingness cold. There are no blessings. They were hitting amongst the abrupt slap of betrayal.

15. [+195, -2] Not a fan but I'm honestly really surprised... I never idea EXO would conduct maintain a dad fellow member this early.....


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