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Gary Reveals That His Hiatus Was Due To His Postulate For A Break

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Article: 'Superman Returns' Gary confesses, "I needed a break"

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+2,012, -53] Sure, it's fine that y'all needed a intermission as well as escaped to laissez passer on that... but for y'all to crawl dorsum at i time tin alone hateful that you're out of money, no?

2. [+1,762, -33] He but needs coin correct now

3. [+1,528, -38] Don't blame it on a intermission when nosotros know that you're dorsum because y'all postulate money

4. [+113, -0] Even if y'all needed a break, y'all should've maintained basic manners earlier leaving similar that. What did the 'Running Man' members as well as staff range to deserve that?

5. [+113, -0] He ignored everyone as well as left similar he was never going to come upwardly back... All he could've said was that he needed a intermission earlier properly giving everyone a farewell, tsk.

6. [+103, -1] I empathise your postulate for a intermission but the agency y'all went almost it was all wrong. It looked thus cold.

7. [+88, -0] Sometimes I experience similar 'Superman Returns' purposely shape controversial figures similar him to brand it the headlines ㅡㅡ trash producers

8. [+70, -0] Just because y'all needed a intermission doesn't hateful it was correct for y'all to ignore everyone as well as operate out similar that

9. [+59, -0] You could've but said that y'all needed a break. You didn't convey to disappear similar that.

10. [+50, -1] Take a longer break... as well as his physiognomy, ugh;;;

11. [+37, -0] Pathetic excuse... he basically ran away without a word

12. [+32, -0] He didn't fifty-fifty convey whatever basic abide by for his team. He could've but told them that he was taking a stride dorsum to focus on his union as well as baby.

13. [+31, -0] 'Superman' casting perplexes me. Sometimes they shape people that are definitely expert ideas as well as and thus they shape people similar him that brand y'all wonder "just why?"


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