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Kim Heechul Opens Upwardly Most The Guilt He Feels Since Going Populace Amongst Momo

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Article: Kim Heechul confesses feelings afterward human relationship went public, "I felt guilty almost the back upwardly of my fans, in addition to postponed my solo album release"

Source: Korea Ilbo via Nate

1. [+766, -31] Kim Heechul is older straight off in addition to thence it doesn't truly matter. He's likewise cemented a career inward variety. Momo's withal immature in addition to her group's been going through a lot of scandals lately in addition to thence their fandom's status is non the best...

2. [+546, -28] Twice's fandom is the problem... seems similar their mentals are only crumbling in addition to they're trying to concord on

3. [+476, -32] No ane would ever set him downwards for dating... it's only that at that topographic point were accounts of people spotting him inward Momo's hometown 2 years agone which he denied in addition to thence fans are only a fleck upset at the lies?? Anyway, select a happy human relationship ♡

4. [+55, -7] Why create I notice it in addition to thence hypocritical that Kim Heechul is choosing to operate words sparingly on his ain human relationship when he has no occupation bringing upwardly scandals to other celebrities on 'Knowing Bros' in addition to using them every bit gags? If he's in addition to thence careful in addition to serious almost his ain scandal, shouldn't he exhibit the same honor to others?

5. [+37, -12] Momo's staying quiet, non certain why Kim Heechul keeps sharin ghis feelings... non similar he's an active idol, he's pushing xl now. Why would the populace or his fans blame him for beingness inward a human relationship ㅎㅎ

6. [+33, -25] Do y'all fifty-fifty select the talent to issue a solo?

7. [+31, -0] No argue to experience whatever guilt ㅋㅋㅋ or are y'all feeling it because y'all got caught??? ㅋㅋㅋ Let's endure real, y'all had girls earlier Momo ㅋㅋㅋ only that y'all weren't caught ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+29, -3] His words aren't matching upwardly ㅋㅋㅋ Why's he in addition to thence worried straight off when they've been dating for in addition to thence long? Is he scared he's going to terminate upwardly similar Chen?

9. [+29, -9] He does deserve loathe for beingness in addition to thence obvious almost it at their concerts

10. [+28, -3] He has no occupation turning whatever invitee on 'Knowing Bros' inward a populace human relationship into the butt of jokes but whenever mortal brings upwardly his relationship, he looks all uncomfortable in addition to keeps his rima oris shut.


Source: Naver

1. [+3,995, -217] Heechul-ah, it's fine. I truly idea y'all were into men?! So I'm glad you're dating a woman. Have a happy relationship. At to the lowest degree you're feeling guilt, dissimilar someone... anyway, no involve to experience whatever guilt. As long every bit y'all were genuine in addition to true amongst your fans, that's all that matters.

2. [+2,278, -162] He's ever bringing upwardly other people's dating scandals on 'Knowing Bros' but of a precipitous his is off topic

3. [+1,365, -125] He's pushing 40, it wouldn't endure weird if nosotros heard marriage intelligence off the bat... Not certain why he's in addition to thence sorry... I wishing all idols would select his mindset. I'm truly glad that he's constitute mortal to endure past times him piece he's grieving the losses of 2 dongsaengs. Don't experience lamentable

4. [+663, -50] It only agency that he's that much older now. His province of affairs is really different from other younger idols.

5. [+556, -123] He's ever been in addition to thence considerate of his fans so... don't experience guilty ㅠㅠ your happiness comes first! We're only thankful to youㅠㅠ💙💙

6. [+346, -55] You don't select many fans in addition to thence it doesn't affair but Momo's fandom is shattered ㅋㅋ

7. [+272, -21] It's exclusively the Twice fandom suffering in addition to crumbling from the within correct straight off ㅋㅋ

8. [+257, -32] Your fans select been amongst y'all for xv years in addition to thence they're congratulating y'all straight off onj your kickoff human relationship but it's non the same for us Twice fans in addition to thence delight halt mentioning the human relationship in addition to thence much, it pisses me off

9. [+208, -30] Super Junior fans are in addition to thence damn selfish. Would they select been this supportive if he got into a dating scandal when he was 25 years old? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+193, -27] Your fans exclusively attention almost y'all ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ they don't attention at all almost the partitioning happening inward Momo's fandom in addition to how people are leaving ane afterward the other. None of y'all know what Twice's fans are feeling correct straight off in addition to continue leaving comments similar "have a happy relationship" ㅋㅋ would y'all select been this supportive of him if this scandal happened during his 'Sorry Sorry' days?


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