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Nayeon's Stalker Posts A Video Message

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Article: "I really dearest you" Twice Nayeon's stalker sends a video missive of the alphabet despite threat of criminal charges

Source: SpoTV News via Nate

1. [+604, -8] I bet she's shaking inward fright alongside every breath she takes. I promise he gets banned from returning to the country... but who knows if he'll only instruct a novel identity earlier coming back..

2. [+571, -6] He's crazy... it gives me goosebumps. What does he promise to hit from all of this? It's really scary.

3. [+425, -7] The solely agency to bargain alongside attending seekers is to ignore them. The media shouldn't give him attending either.

4. [+21, -2] The pictures give me goosebumps;;; Please only back upward her from afar.. ㅠㅠ why produce y'all desire to beak to her in addition to therefore bad? Stop scaring her.

5. [+18, -2] He's dorsum inward Germany? Looks similar he ran away.

6. [+16, -1] I abhor this

7. [+15, -1] He's mentally ill, no? He seems to last lost inward his delusions. Stalkers are in addition to therefore scary ㅠㅠㅠ

8. [+12, -0] On the other hand, I'm surprised that his Korean is grammatically correct

9. [+11, -0] People who tell "I'm lamentable *if*" are non really lamentable at all

10. [+6, -0] Wow, I'm getting goosebumps


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