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Sunye Celebrates Her Seventh Marriage Anniversary Amongst Her Husband

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Article: Former Wonder Girls fellow member Min Sunye, celebrating seventh marriage anniversary amongst handsome husband... pretty woman raise of multiples

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+1,885, -162] The affair virtually Catholics is that they're selfish together with if yous say them that they're selfish, they endeavour to justify it

2. [+1,564, -150] No thank yous to Catholics

3. [+85, -8] Sunye looks similar she's living life without fifty-fifty getting to teach her pilus done or purchase novel clothes... If she had continued amongst WG, she'd endure rich plenty to ain a edifice correct now. She got married when she was likewise immature together with naive... I actually idea she'd endure living similar the rich inwards Canada.

4. [+71, -6] Why inwards the basis did she sign amongst a Korean way solely to become alive inwards Canada? So she got paid for the contract but is she making the way whatever coin inwards return?

5. [+69, -2] She aged hard... hard non to afterwards 3 kids

6. [+52, -3] Every fourth dimension I come across her husband, I only can't aid but intend negatively of his impression ㅜㅜ

7. [+50, -7] She looks together with then poor, it's written all over her face. Seems similar she's already spent all the coin she made equally a vocalizer on raising her kids. And patently her husband's a 'missionary' but essentially unemployed.

8. [+45, -5] Giving nativity does seem to historic catamenia yous hard

9. [+41, -6] There's a shadow over her face. After living the flashy life of a celebrity, she only doesn't human face together with then happy living her life raising kids.

10. [+36, -2] Why did she sign amongst a novel way if she's non fifty-fifty going to work??

11. [+32, -1] Ruined WG amongst her wedding, signed amongst a novel way spell important amongst her third, her way expected her to operate afterwards giving nativity but she only upwards together with left... what a waste matter of a contract fee.

12. [+26, -2] She has life's suffering showing all over her face... she aged together with then hard... ㅠ

13. [+25, -2] Her husband's physiognomy is trash, seriously


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