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Twice's Chaeyoung Gets Her Position Out Leaked Past Times A Stalker

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Article: Twice Chaeyoung's mobile telephone number leaked "I've reached my wit's end... spammed past times all sorts of calls as well as texts"

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+1,322, -103] Park Jin Young-ssi, instead of wasting your fourth dimension on producing that Japanese daughter grouping or whatever, locomote on taking tending of Twice. There hasn't been a affair going for this grouping since Mina took locomote out for mental wellness issues. Their songs as well as popularity are declining as well as therefore badly, what're yous doing almost it?

2. [+1,024, -105] I'm certain celebrities would locomote improve off without extreme fans similar this. Seems similar Twice has been inwards the intelligence for a lot of scandals lately alongside Jihyo, Momo, as well as Dahyun. What has JYP been doing instead of managing them?

3. [+835, -110] Chaeyoung seems to locomote struggling lately. She's gotten a lot of tattoos as well as therefore maybe that's her agency of relieving stress? Twice's popularity isn't what it used to locomote as well as therefore it must locomote frustrating to locomote left alongside these extreme fans inwards your fandom. Find strength.

4. [+51, -3] How produce fans fifty-fifty detect these numbers? Even if I knew the number of my favorite star, I couldn't text them inwards illustration it pissed them off. Why torture someone yous like?

5. [+40, -6] Those fans are mentally ill, tsk tsk. Let them rest.

6. [+28, -0] Companies that sell personal information postulate to locomote thrown inwards jail

7. [+20, -1]1 Can't she simply alter her number...

8. [+11, -6] Twice's popularity keeps dropping... the members dice along getting into bad things... it's the lunar vacation as well as nevertheless they're non on whatever varieties... seems similar they're on the turn down correct now


Article: Nayeon's stalker German linguistic communication human being "I leaked Chaeyoung's number... I did nix wrong" ridiculous statement

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+1,598, -38] Send him to Wuhan ㅡㅡ

2. [+1,242, -13] How convey nosotros non deported him???

3. [+1,146, -10] Stalkers similar him postulate to convey their ain numbers leaked... crazy guy

4. [+31, -1] I approximate crazy people are the same all over the world, foreigners or Korean

5. [+21, -3] Crazy ba$tard, the fact that he leaked it at all is "wrong"... I promise he gets punished soon

6. [+20, -2] This German linguistic communication stalker has been torturing Twice for as well as therefore long. Imagine the stress.

7. [+13, -0] How did he fifty-fifty know her number?

8. [+9, -0] A foreigner stalker, good that's a kickoff ㅎ


Source: Naver

1. [+614, -21] Our Chaeyoung is as well as therefore skilful alongside words ㅠㅠ I promise that German linguistic communication stalker ba$tard is caught soon..

2. [+301, -10] They are people earlier they are celebrities. Please honor that.

3. [+226, -11] That German linguistic communication stalker guy needs to locomote caught earlier he runs away to his country. JYP, delight sue him..

4. [+82, -4] Hoping for around legal activity soon

5. [+44, -0] The German linguistic communication stalker couldn't instruct into contact alongside Nayeon as well as therefore he got Chaeyoung's number from around other stalker -> Chaeyoung ignored him as well as therefore he leaked her number on Twitter... By the way, the German linguistic communication stalker has 1.1 meg followers...


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