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Crayon Popular Attends Geummi's Wedding

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Article: [Exclusive] Geummi, getting married today... all Crayon Pop members inwards attendance

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+704, -9] Pictures beingness released similar this agency the nuptials was 100% sponsored

2. [+499, -17] The Crayon Pop members certain create choke married quickly

3. [+459, -19] All of their members choke important first, married later ㅋ

4. [+27, -6] She should've worn her helmet

5. [+18, -0] Looks similar she had to choke married since she wasn't making an income anymore. A successful illustration of marrying up.

6. [+15, -0] Are the members of this daughter grouping professionals at getting important without marriage? And scamming people? Not i normal fellow member inwards this group.

7. [+13, -1] One's a kkot-baem, the residuum are important earlier marriage, what a mess

8. [+13, -2] Even the fellow member amongst the scam contention attended? Wow, thick skin

9. [+12, -1] Pretty rude of Ellin to attend, no? ㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+10, -4] She's super pretty, I never knew she was inwards the group, or peradventure I simply never knew because she was wearing a helmet


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