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Exo-L Limited Their Opinions On Chen's Condition Inwards The Group

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Article: EXO Chen, fandom divided into 2 over tidings of his marriage ceremony "I don't help to pay for his babe formula" vs "He should move congratulated"

Source: Everyday Econ via Naver

1. [+1,120, -115] Jongdae-ya, quit beingness an idol together with only move Kim Jongdaeddy... Come on, you lot know that nosotros don't desire to reckon you lot unable to command your facial expressions off photographic boob tube camera again, getting into mental fights amongst your fans... none of us desire that. Your stubbornness is putting the other members inward an uncomfortable situation. Please instruct a clue together with leave of absence on your own.

2. [+605, -67] So what's going on, he has a clue of what's going on but he's only choosing to stay? Shouldn't he know to leave of absence for the sake of the team's image?

3. [+525, -35] None of this would've happened if he had handled this better. He's the ane who went radio silent, what does he desire us to create most it now? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+454, -29] He never considered the other members at all but straightaway he's using their hurting equally a shield to protect himself, how ridiculous; Fans would non move against him to this indicate if he had acted correct from the start. He's the ane who was unable to command his facial aspect at fan meets, he's the ane who gave fan gifts to his girlfriend, together with he's the ane who went radio soundless to hang out amongst his girl for a calendar month earlier coming dorsum straightaway together with maxim he wants to remain inward the group.

5. [+334, -51] Please leave of absence the group...🙇‍♂️

6. [+144, -13] The of import indicate hither isn't Chen's wedding. The full general populace seems to intend that fans are acting similar this because he's getting married together with nosotros experience similar we're beingness thrown out, together with piece I'm certain that those fans create exist, the bulk of the fans straightaway would've been people who would've been agreement if he had said from the root that he had a girl together with like shooting fish in a barrel introduced her through a process. Instead, he randomly came out maxim she's important together with that they're getting married, all piece he's yet an active idol. Obviously the other members aren't going to state they're against him to his human face upwardly but I'm certain they all know how his decisions volition implicate the team. Kim Jongdae has non shown an ounce of consideration towards his squad or his fans. His individual life is apparently to a greater extent than of import to him then he should only leave of absence the group, accept off the Chen name, together with become create any he wants to do.

7. [+116, -5] Fans would non move this angry if Chen had been similar Taeyang where he introduced his girl together with spent years on the human relationship earlier coming out amongst marriage ceremony news. Chen fans entirely flora out amongst their babe due soon, piece he's yet unmarried... then imagine the shock. This isn't a elementary province of affairs where fans are similar "you're an idol then you're non allowed to instruct married!"

8. [+87, -6] It's a province of affairs similar to Sungmin. He's non a solo, he's an idol inward an idol group. Dating's fine but pre-marital pregnancy is honestly going equally good far. Chen needs to alive his life equally a manly mortal nurture together with married adult man together with quit his life equally a fellow member of a group.

9. [+74, -6] Don't compare Chen to Taeyang. Taeyang went populace confidently piece Chen acted similar he wasn't inward a human relationship together with allow fans embrace for him. It's shameless the agency he doesn't fifty-fifty experience grateful or distressing to them.

10. [+53, -1] Well, Chen's going to necessitate to operate together with brand a lot of coin if he wants to purchase his approving approximately babe formula together with move out along upwardly amongst his attending wh*re of a wife's luxury spending habits. He tin become solo, he has plenty choding together with international fans who volition heed to his music ㅋ then delight leave.


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