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Hyomin Donates 3,000 Aspect Upwards Masks To Daegu

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Article: Hyomin donates 3,000 facial expression upward masks to Daegu "I promise it helps those inwards need"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+2,929, -42] I'm certain people volition nevertheless mean value that she's doing this for media play but she's doing a skilful deed! Unlike or thus people who are using this equally an chance to sell facial expression upward masks..

2. [+2,464, -623] It's a skilful deed but I wonder how she got all those masks when the residuum of us can't fifty-fifty uncovering i to buy

3. [+1,805, -78] Thank you, Hyomin ㅠㅠ I liked yous a lot during your T-ara days. Daegu actually needs these masks thus give thank yous you.

4. [+75, -1] You tin technically nevertheless uncovering masks. It's non that at that topographic point aren't any, it's that they're but means to a greater extent than expensive now, together with virtually people can't afford them. She has the coin to purchase them, together with she did a skilful deed that's worthy of praise thus I don't know why anyone would uncovering final result amongst her.

5. [+59, -1] Thank yous ㅜㅜ I promise they're existence issue where they're needed! And delight brand certain that people know that she donated them 💜

6. [+51, -2] Good good, praise for skilful deeds ^^

7. [+28, -1] Thank yous every piffling involvement from everyone counts into forming a bigger endeavor

8. [+26, -2] She deserves praise. I promise that the masks volition hold out used appropriately.

9. [+20, -0] I promise that Hyomin sparks a prepare of donations inwards the celebrity industry! And churches should purpose this chance to donate a lot too!

10. [+14, -2] The prices of masks accept gone upward to 4-5,000 won a piece, which is practically 5-10x to a greater extent than than what it used to be. And fifty-fifty then, virtually stores are sold out... What is the regime doing at a fourth dimension similar this... The pitiable cannot fifty-fifty afford masks!


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