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Tv: How Much Of 'Superman Returns' Is Scripted?

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Article: 'Script controversy?' Superman Returns reps, "Nothing is scripted, there's a script for the comfort of the producers"

Source: News 1 via Nate

1. [+964, -17] I incertitude that it isn't scripted ㅋㅋ at that topographic point may non survive exact scripts for the kids to nation but I know the scenarios are given to them.. Without a script, we'd but survive watching them scout Pororo all day.

2. [+814, -50] Even if at that topographic point is a script, kids don't actually follow directions that well. They practise whatever they desire to practise ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+712, -18] I don't intend the kids are able to read off a script or anything but I practise intend the scenarios are planned ㅋㅋ anyone who's raised a minor fry volition know

4. [+74, -10] But sometimes I practise intend William is prompted to nation sure enough things past times adults

5. [+55, -1] I'm sure enough the scenarios are planned out, fifty-fifty if it isn't downwards to the exact lines they say. It was similar that alongside 'We Got Married' too. What's annoying close 'Superman Returns' is that they strength sure enough scenarios for the sake of PPL.

6. [+54, -6] If William together with Bentley are acting according to a script, together with therefore they demand to survive sent to Hollywood

7. [+47, -4] I pick out noticed that the kids are ever looking off camera. And people saw them at outdoor filmings alongside prompts too.

8. [+35, -7] I intend they pick out an thought of what they desire to happen. Even 'Infinity Challenge' used to pick out scripts. The scenarios are planned out but I incertitude kids volition follow anything to a T..

9. [+33, -4] There are themes together with scenarios to every episode but I don't intend the kids are aware plenty to survive next exact scripts. If they are, they demand to survive sent to Hollywood.

10. [+32, -3] Well aren't at that topographic point scenarios written to convey out the cuteness inwards William together with Bentley? ㅋㅋㅋ Isn't that what makes them cuter? It's non similar these kids are asked to memorize scripts or anything. There needs to survive a basic scenario for their security too.


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