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Hollywood: Kristen Stewart

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Article: [Hollywood POP] Kristen Stewart, at a commons amongst no mask... toned leggings body

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+414, -14] Why would yous desire to set on something total of Canis familiaris as well as rat poop ㅋㅋ sigh, I incertitude she fifty-fifty washed her hands when she got dorsum home

2. [+286, -5] Kid, at that spot are rats as well as ticks inwards the grass

3. [+162, -4] You're going to grab the tsutsugamushi disease....

4. [+19, -0] American kids actually give-up the ghost domicile as well as set withdraw downwards on their sofas as well as beds, fifty-fifty amongst their shoes on. Ughh, gross.

5. [+18, -1] I know an American nestling who really does non sympathise the severity of the province of affairs either. I approximate yous could telephone squall upward them a positive thinker if I'm trying to move nice, but just, sigh.

6. [+14, -0] Central Park was really a identify of daze as well as horror for me. Too much Canis familiaris poop everywhere as well as a ton of squirrels. They're similar the pigeons nosotros convey hither but they come upward downwards as well as swallow all the crumbs on the floor.

7. [+6, -0] She's a vampire, she can't grab corona, yup

8. [+3, -0] I bet a lot of people convey larn germophobes because of corona...


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