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Hong Suk Chun Calls Out Shincheonji Cult Leader Lee Human Hee

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Article: "Lee Man Hee-ssi, where are you?" Hong Suk Chun's sensible contention admist coronavirus outbreak

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+2,206, -38] Lee Man Hee has already gone to a greater extent than or less telling everyone that he's immortal as well as then he can't fifty-fifty kill himself similar Yoo Byung Eon ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+1,890, -47] He needs to hold upwards arrested as well as either given the expiry judgement or forced to disband the Shincheonji church

3. [+1,682, -36] Where are you, Lee Man Hee

4. [+27, -2] Shouldn't all the celebrities who attend the Shincheonji church building hold upwards quarantined equally well? I heard at that spot are genuinely a lot.

5. [+23, -1] Man Hee-ya, you lot f*cked upwards man, you're zero merely a cursed torso claiming to hold upwards god, acting similar one... I don't believe inwards sky or hell merely if at that spot is a hell, I know you're destined for it.

6. [+23, -1] Shouldn't the Shincheonji believers teach to Lee Man Hee as well as inquire for him to process them?

7. [+19, -0] He hasn't been arrested? I'm thinking at that spot are a lot of politicians who are receiving coin from him, no?

8. [+16, -1] All of Shincheonji should hold upwards thrown inwards jail!

9. [+16, -3] Just hearing the 'shin' inwards Shincheonji is giving me a migraine...

10. [+12, -0] What's it going to accept to disband the church? Lee Man Hee's death? ㅋㅋㅋ


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