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Judge Who Sentenced Goo Hara's Ex To Probation Takes On 'Nth Room Scandal' Trial

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Article: Judge who ruled Goo Hara's ex for probation nether contention for beingness pose on 'nth room' scandal trial

Source: News 1 via Nate

1. [+1,178, -15] Our set down is hopeless unless nosotros completely revamp the prosecutors as well as judges!!!!!!

2. [+1,041, -13] This guess seems really weak to people who hope to self reflect. Stop empathizing amongst the defendants as well as essay empathizing amongst the victims for once.

3. [+855, -23] Choo Mi Ae should locomote on the case. Please showtime giving out harsher punishments!

4. [+58, -1] There are a lot of populace service workers involved inwards the nth room scandal. I uncertainty it'll e'er larn investigated properly.

5. [+49, -1] The number of trials tin differ greatly depending on who the guess is. Are nosotros non able to boot out judges who don't locomote for justice? Imagine all of the futurity criminals who volition larn off amongst probation because of this judge. Unless this guess has fishy work concern of their own?

6. [+47, -0] Is this the alone guess available? It's hopeless... Their by trials are a mess;

7. [+38, -0] I bet the guess ba$tard is a VVIP of the nth room too

8. [+38, -0] F*ck, fifty-fifty lawyers acknowledge that judges command the number of a trial... How inwards the globe create you lot grade a scandal of this magnitude to a guess similar him?

9. [+37, -0] It was fine dorsum as well as thence to overstep cases similar this to judges similar him as well as no ane knew whatsoever improve but we're inwards an historic current where everyone knows now

10. [+32, -0] I bet the perverted slice of trash took the trial on because he wanted to await through the videos. He's in all likelihood going to lookout adult man it similar p*rn inwards forepart of the victims themselves ane time again.

11. [+25, -0] This guess has a history of giving probation rulings to s*x criminals against teens ㅡㅡ basically, whatsoever s*x law-breaking illustration gets off on probation

12. [+22, -0] What is the betoken inwards a police describe as well as a guess if criminals are going to larn off ane agency or the other?


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